Miserable day of my life.

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(Yena's POV)

This is my first day in america, Everything is new to me. I don't know how can I survive this but thanks god yujin is with me. We're bestfriend since diaper, Luckily through yujin I met Kim chaewon she's also a korean. The three of us became friends.

I transfer to american school with them. And this is the place where I met my first girlfriend Wang Yiren. She's the most popular student around the campus, The first time I saw her i had a crush on her well she's beautiful and really have a nice body who can't resist that.

Yiren and I became friend because were on the same class. Each by day we became closer, closer and closer to the pount I finally confess my feelings towards her,I never thought that this day would come. She accepted me and became her girlfriend, We're sweet we've became the campus couple, some are envy on us.

And now It's our 1st Anniversary, I was excited my brother thought that im going insane.

"Hey Crazy duck! What are you doing?" My brother asks me.

"Heey!!! Hmm It's our first anniversary, oppa what should i do?" I reply to him, he laugh.

"Just suprise her like go to her house give her flowers" my brother suggested. I nodded

"I'll just go to her house to suprise her" I grin.

"Okay Take care ducky" My brother said and walk out of my room.

I shower and walk down the stairs.

"Bye oppa, I'm going to yiren's house" I bid a goodbye to my brother.

I was so excited to suprise her. I didn't text or call her because i want her to be suprise to see me. I stop at the flower shop.

"Ahjumma~ This sunflower please" I called out then the ahjumma put the sunflower in a bouquet.

"Oh you're girlfriend must be lucky to have a sweet girl like you" I blushed at the sudden compliment.

"Nae Thankyou ahjumma" I bowed and exited the flower shop.

"Wait for me my Yiren" I smile from ear to ear.

I was on the outside of yiren's house. I knock to their gate but no one is coming out, i accidentally push the gate and It's open.
I walk towards their door and slowly open it.
No one is in their living room.

"Where are you yiren?" I said to myself. I heard some noise at the 2nd floor. I don't know but it makes me nervous, My feet are walking towards yiren room its open and i was about to open but I heard noise and I place my ear on her door.

"Hmmmm" a moaned.

"So when you plan to break up with yena?" i heard a guy voice.

"Hmm I don't know but the game is not yet over" Yiren said between her breath

"It's a year now, don't tell me love that girl?" I heard guy said with an annoyance tone.

"N-no, It's only for a bet and for fun." I feel my heart scratted, tears are slowly dripping down to my cheeks. I tighten the grip to the flower i bought.

"I'm not convince. Out of the girls and boys at the school why you choose yena for that bet?"

"Because she was too easy." I dropped the thing that I'd been holding. My body is shakining.

"YENA!" I heard yiren calls my name. I run at the stairs and she's following me, when I reached the door she grabs my hand.

"Yena.. How long have been in there?" I'm still crying, i dont know how to stop this can't help.

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