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3 Years passed all of them are getting busier test here test there test everywhere. Since yuri and yena they are not classmates anymore and their schedule is not the same they didn't have much time to spend because they both busy studying for their final exam to graduate.

Yena is in her room laying at her bed she's done studying its passed 9pm and she can't sleep, plus it's been 3 days since she and yuri saw each other, they do text but yena is not satisfied with that, she misses her girlfriend so much.

"Okay final decision im going to her house." Yena said as she stood up and wear a jacket, she go down the stair and met her brother's eyes.

"Where are you going? it's kinda late?" her brother asks her.

"I'm going to yuri's house, its been 3 days since we saw each other and i really miss her." Yena answer her brother and earn a nod from him.

"Take care. Send my regards to yuri" Yena nodded and she start walking towards their door.

While she's on their way to yuri's house her phone vibrate in her posket, she quickly grab it and immediately smile as she saw yuri's name in the screen.

From: Joyuuul~💘

             Beeeb? Are you already asleep?

From: Joyuuul~💘

             I'm done studying..

From: Joyuuul~💘

             I miss you ducky :'<

The duck chuckles as she read her hamster text, she didn't reply and put her phone inside her pocket. Yena reach yuri's house and she ring the doorbell, Yuri's mom came out to open the gate for her.

"Oh dear, What's bring you here?"

"Goodevening mrs. Jo, I'm here to see yuri. Can I?" I politely ask mrs. jo, she nodded and guide me inside their house.

"Yuri is in her room, i don't know if she asleep or still studying." Yena nodded and walk her way to yuri's room, she tiptoe as she enter yuri's room coz her door room is slightly open.

Yuri didn't notice that the older girl is in her room her back facing the door, she frustrated looking at her phone waiting for yena to reply, while yena who is hiding her laugh because of her girlfriend cuteness.

"Aishh. why is this duck not replying? doesn't she missed me? I hate you Choi yena!" Yuri groaned and throw her phone to her side.

"You don't love me anymore?" Yuri startled when she heard the voice she misses.

"YENAAAAA!" Yuri stood up and run to yena's arm to hug her girlfriend tightly. They both misses each other, but they don't have time to spend. Yuri buried her head to her girlfriend neck, The older girl hugs her girlfriend back as she sniff the younger smell, she also misses the figure hugging her.

"I miss you so much joyuuuul~" the older girl said as she tighten the her hug. "I miss you too yena ah~ I'm sorry if we didn't have much time to spend" the younger girl said in a sad tone, Yena broke the hug and cupped her girlfriend cheeks.

"Nah don't be sorry, I'ts our schedule fault plus I'm already here don't be sad" Yena smile to yuri and the younger girl also smile and lean forward to yena's face and place a peck at the older girl.

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