Answer Part 2.

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(Yena's POV)

I can sense that Yujin is looking at me worriedly.

"You're okay?" Yujin gesture towards me.

"I'm okay" I reply to her a okay sign.

"You may be seated." Mr. lee leaves the classroom.0

"Hmm excuse me" I heard her talk to yuri, My eyes can't look at her.

"Can i seat beside yena?" I back to my sense when she asks yuri that. Why would this girl so desprate.

Yuri was about to stand up when that girl asks her. 

'How can you give your seat. Aish Jjoyul' I rolled my eyes. I grab her hand to stop her from standing up.

"You're not going anywhere" I whisper to yuri. 

"Why are you not yet getting stand up?" How can she be rude to my jjoyul. I was upset.

Everyone is whispering with each other.

"Don't make a scene. Choose whatever you want to seat, but not in the seat that were taken." I said in stern tone while looking at Yiren eye to eye. 

"You can seat besides me" the boy said offering seat. The girl just Ignore him and seat beside Sihyun.

"Don't you ever give your seat to anyone." I said while looking at yuri's eyes.

"I'm sorry" Yuri hang her head low. I held her chin and raise it up.

"Apology accepted" I smiled to her, how can I resist you. 

"but you have to agree to have a date with me tomorrow." She raise her eyebrow. 

"I won't accept a no from you" I added.

"Fineeee." she pouts, how could she be like this being so cute. I pinch her cheeks. 

I must say that I totally forgotten that yiren is here, I tap my own shoulder 'Dont get involve with yiren only focus on yuri' I noted to myself.

Seconds,minutes and hour passed our class is already done. 

It's 3:00 pm in the afternoon, Eunbi asks us to join them to pay bowling today since we have a lot of time to enjoy our free time.  We accept her offer to us.

"Btw Sian and her friend will be joining us." Eunbi added.

"The more the merrier" Cheyeon excitedly claps. 

I chuckles to their action. I look at yuri she seems silent. 

"Hey is there any problem?" I asks her, she just shakes her head. I hug her. 

"Feeling better?" I worriedly asks, She nodded I smile at her. 

"You know I have to say someth-" I was listening to what she was saying when eunbi spoke. 

"Oh Sian and her friends is here" Eunbi exclaim. I didn't bother to listen i was focus on what yuri was saying. I look at her but she's looking at eunbi's direction, I also look on what she's looking at.

'Why is she included?' I look at yiren and she look back at me with a frowned face. 

"What are you saying again? Don't mind them" I look away and get back to yuri.

"Nothing maybe tomorrow I will say it" Yuri said and broke the hug. I pouted thanks yuri now im curious. 

"Why is it have to be tell tomorrow? I'm okay if it's today." I'm giving her a look PLEASE-TELL-ME-WHAT-IS-IT. She just laugh at me.

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