Chapter 4

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Yuri's POV)

I was crying when i saw yena cover herself for me, i hate that duck, she's hurt and still manage to ask if im okay.
I am here staying at Yena's side she's still not waking up this dumb duck is sleeping peacefully. but i got to go out to buy food for us if ever she will wake up. The doctor said she will be awake soon she's still in recovery.

"Yuri ah, You should get some sleep, I'll be the one who watch for her just get some sleep now" Yujin said to me i dont to listen.
"Yuri you know yena wont like it if you're being like this" Yujin was right.
"Arasseo please wake me up if she's awake" I said to yujin and sleep on the couch.


(Yujin's POV)

"Yo bro, You're sleeping for almost 24hours, dude wake up. Yuri is really worried for you" I said to sleeping yena.

"You really love yuri that much ha? risking your life, aisshh jinjaa, You're the best bro!" I smiled as I am proud of her.

almost 20mins passed

Still no sign of yena being awake.

after 30mins.

"Ugghh" I heard someone just growl.
'is it choi yena?' I ask my self, I lift my head and see the face of a duck smilling.
"CHOI YENAAAAA" I shouted excitedly.
"Yah ahn yujiiiin! Yuri is sleeping!" Yena said in whisper.
I covered my mouth and I walk towards her.
"Glad youre back bro, Im so lonely without you bro" I fake cry infront of her.
"Stop being emotional you dumb rabbit" Yena said.
"Btw yuri said , I should wake her up if youre awake"
"Its okay, Dont bother her, just let her sleep i know she need some sleep" I just nodded.

(Third POV)

"Yena I have to go home , You can handle yourself right? Just text me if ever you need something" Yujin said then bid a goodbye to yena

"Thanks I can handle myself, Dont worry" Yena reply as she smile. Yujin close the door.

Yena saw yuri's moving and she close her eyes and pretend to be asleep. She heard footsteps coming towards her.

"Where's yujin? Maybe shes out for food" Yuri speaks to herself.
"Still not waking up yena?" Yena wanted to open her eyes to see yuri's face but she want to tease yuri first.
"Uggh" Yena pretends to groan
"Yena? Are you awake?" Yena slowly open her eyes.
"Yenaaaaa" Yuri hugged her and she smile as she thought an idea.

"Ah-hm.. Excuse me?" Yuri broke the hug and look at yena. Yuri frowned.

"Who are you?" Yuri was shock as she heard what her bestfriend said.
A tear fall down to yuri's cheeks.

"Oh, sorry, Why are you crying?" Yena said as she wanted to laugh but she endure cause she finds yuri cute.

"Y-you dont remember me?" Yuri sobs and wipes her tears. Yena is successful of what she plan.

"Ahhmm are you yujin?"
"Chaeyeon?" Yena hold her head, Yuri sobs again.

"Or You are my Jooooyuuul~~~" Yena Laughs as she see yuri's sobbing

"Uwwaahhhh, You duuummbb duckk! I thought you don-nt r-remem-ber me" Yuri said between her sobs.

"Hooow can I forget youu huh?" Yena hugged yuri.
"Mianhaaaee I was just playing around hehe."

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Yena asked yuri.
"I am not, but you are. Why did you do that?" Yuri said in upset tone.
"Because I want to protect you"
"Protect me? Do you want to kill yourself?" Yuri shout.
"I dont mind being dead just to protect you Joyul~" Yena smile ear to ear then hugged yuri.

"Dont be mad Joyul~ Sorryyy okaay?" Yena whispered to yuri's ear.
"Please dont do that again. I dont know what to do if I lose you once again" Yuri hugged yena tightly and sobs.
"Uljimaaaaa!! I promisee!"Yena said as she raise her right hand.

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