dear diary—
for the first time in my life, i have a boyfriend.
it's zach.
i'm not sure how i feel about that.
the thing is, i feel something for corbyn. but corbyn is taken.
and zach is my best friend. i love him so much. doesn't that count for something?
when zach touches me, it feels so good. i feel so safe and loved and cared for.
but i don't feel any sparks like the ones i felt when corbyn touched me.
what does this mean?
i wish things like life and love were easier to figure out.
zach is so happy, now that we're together. i'm happy, too. it feels nice.
i can't help but wonder, though:
is this what being with corbyn would feel like?
Romance"dear diary- corbyn is a refreshing beam of light in the dark familiarity of our small town. i hope he stays forever. -daniel" daniel is given a diary by his best friend zach, in which he writes out his innermost thoughts, struggles, and feelings. h...