dear diary—
i can't believe i've been writing in you for a month already.
okay, so, maybe it's been more like two months, because although this is my thirty-first entry, i don't write in you every day.
see, i told you i was the worst at forming habits like that.
anyway, my school is having a spring dance at the end of march. it's all anyone can talk about.
i, of course, am going with zach. he already asked me, and i'm his boyfriend, so it's kinda obvious that we'll go together.
corbyn and jack are probably going together. they look so happy, walking around holding hands.
and the thing is, other than that one time when he grabbed corbyn's arm, i've never seen jack get angry or rough with corbyn. he looks at him so adoringly, and handles him gently, even when corbyn is messing around with him.
maybe corbyn besson has done the unexpected and changed jack avery.
Romance"dear diary- corbyn is a refreshing beam of light in the dark familiarity of our small town. i hope he stays forever. -daniel" daniel is given a diary by his best friend zach, in which he writes out his innermost thoughts, struggles, and feelings. h...