Part I - It was going so well...

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[Hello hello! I'm back with another Villain AU! It has similarities to the other, but it's almost completely different. Enjoy! :)]

[Also, this story contains a lot of mature language.]


[Midoriya's Point of View]
[Time: 10:34 P.M.]
[Date: September 2 of 20XX]
[Location: Class 1-A's dorms at the U.A. Academy]
[Storyline: After they got their provisional hero license]

- I'm going to go to bed, I'm exhausted! Hero training was harsh today! said the spiky red-haired boy.
- Goodnight Kirishima! I said, waving him goodbye.
- 'Night! said the others around me.

After the boy left, only 6 of us remained in the living room.

- I'm not tired at all, said Yaomomo.
- Same for me, said Tsuyu.
- Getting the provisional hero license is so exciting that I have too much energy! the brunnette said with excitement.
- Yeah! It's so cool! I responded. We're even closer now to be heroes!

The six of us continued to talk about anything and everything, not seeing the time flying.

- I need some fresh air, said Yaomomo, standing up. Who's coming with me?
- Me, answered Todoroki.
- Oh yes, me too! answered Uraraka.
- Sounds exciting, even though I'm not sure if it's allowed, Tsuyu said.
- Just for this time, I think it'll be ok. Iida, Midoriya, are you two coming?
- Uh, y-yeah sure! I said, hesitant.
- As the class president, I just can't let you all go out without supervision, I am coming too!
- Alright! Let's get going!

We made our way to the door and escaped through the night. We passed by security and started walking in the dark streets.

We just casually talked, wandering around the area. I chatted with Iida and Uraraka about some hero stuff and about the new dorms, of course.

After about an hour of nonstop walking, we ended up in an empty street with almost no lights.

- Well, let's return to the dorms now, before the others start to notice that we're gone, said Yaomomo.
- Or the teachers, Todoroki mumbled.

As we were walking, I noticed something at the corner of the street. It was a human shadow, not moving.

- H-Hey guys, there's someone watching u-us! I said, pointing the shadow.
- Uh?

Everyone suddenly turned to where I was pointing to.

- Let's quickly go back, said Iida, with a little bit of anxiety in his voice.

But before we could do that, shadows started appearing out of nowhere, attacking us.

- Woah!

Someone started to attack me.


I recognized Shigaraki, standing a little further away, with Kurogiri beside him.

- These are villains! No good! I screamed.
- Argh! Why are they attacking us?! said Iida loudly.

But no one could really speak anymore. Everyone focused on defending themselves from the villains.

I was on my own, fighting against two villains, when I saw something horrible happen.

Iida, standing a few meters away from me, got snatched through the black portal, disappearing suddenly.

- IIDA! I screamed.

Tears started to form into my eyes. "Not the time Izuku!" I told to myself, whiping away the tears.

I continued fighting, feeling more and more exhausted.

And then, it happened again. This time, it was Tsuyu.

And again, Yaomomo.

And next came Ochako, and then even Todoroki, the strongest out of all of us, got taken in that dark portal.

- What's happening?! I screamed.

Tears were flowing down my cheeks as I frantically looked all around for Kurogiri.

- Give me back my friends! I screamed through the flow of tears.
- Why don't you join them, I heard beside me.

Shigaraki was standing inside the portal. Before I realized it, he had swung a metal bar at my head.

And then, I too, disappeared into the portal, taken away by the darkness.


I woke up with a huge headache. I tried to move, but I realized my hands and feet were tied to a chair. I also had a piece of cloth in my mouth.

I looked beside me and saw my 5 classmates, looking all around, panic in their eyes. I tried screaming, but these screams were muffled by the cloth in my mouth. This still brought their attention to me.

I made eyes contact with Iida. Never had I seen him this panicked and restless.

That's when we all heard a door creaking.

- Ah, I see that all of you are awake.

Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Dabi and Toga Himiko.


- 6 little heros from U.A. huh? Nice catch we got there.
- Yes, haha!~, said the blond haired girl with excitement. Can I have fun with them, Shishi?
- First of all, don't ever call me Shishi again. And second, yes you can, but wait a few minutes, until I'm done with them.
- Okay!~
- Now, all three of you, get out.

The three villains left, leaving only Shigaraki in the room.

- Now now, I know that you guys won't join easily.

He shuffled through his pocket, and got out a knife.

He approached me. I was shaking with fear. We couldn't do anything, the ropes were anti-quirk ropes and they were tied way too tightly to do anything.

Before I could even prepare myself, he slashed the knife across my face.


[Ouch! I hope you enjoyed!]

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