Part III - Kill Dance

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Their appearance had drastically changed.

I was shocked, but I did not show it, not wanting to reveal I still got my memories. I was getting annoyed with all of that torture and didn't want to go back in there.

- How about we do presentations! said Shigaraki, taking a seat around the table, followed by me and Ochako.

I studied everyone around the table.

Dabi, Toga, Kurogiri and Shigaraki were seated side by side, while the 6 of us were seating on the other side of the table.

The one I first noticed, and also the one who changed the most, was Tsuyu. She didn't have dull eyes, but eyes filled with craziness. She had a continuous psychotic smile plastered on her face. She had interlaced her fingers together, elbows on the table and was resting her head on her fingers. Her hair was tied into two long french braids with some strands of hair falling into her eyes.

To her side, there was Iida. Physically, he had not changed at all, except for the huge bags, that everyone seemed to have, and the little scars here and there. He kept a straight, but somewhat menacing face. If I was the Izuku from three weeks ago, I would already be trembling with fear.

Next, there was Yaoyorozu. She had a playful look in her eyes and she seemed rather amused with the situation. A little smile could be seen, but apart from that, there was nothing else.

Beside Uraraka, Todoroki sat there. He was sitting in a Bakugo-like posture, with the same smile Yaoyorozu had. But rather than looking playful, he looked ready to kill at any time.

And then there is me. You already know what Uraraka looks like. To be honest, I don't really know what I look like. Uraraka told me I had huge dark bags too, which I never doubted, and a huge scar over my eye. I could still see well though.

- I am Tsuyu! It's nice to know y'all!
- Tenya.
- I was told I was called Shoto, but what a shitty name, right? Hahaha!
- Shut up! You talk too much! I'm Momo. I can't wait to kick ass with you all!
- How annoying, said Uraraka, rolling her eyes. I'm Ochako.

Everyone turned towards me. I'm guessing they wanted my name, my first name.

- Your face seems familiar, said Shoto.
- Izuku.
- Ahhh! I heard that name somewhere! Nice to know I'll work with ya, buddy! said Shoto, poking me with his elbow.
- Don't fucking touch me, I said.
- Sorry! the bicolor freak said with surprise.

Shigaraki lets out a chuckle, getting everyone's attention back to him.

- Now, I'll explain my plan.
- Ohhh~!
- Listen well, because I will not repeat myself.

He cleared his throat.

- We are not in Japan anymore, you all know that right? Well, we are in Canada, and this is where you will start to make a name to yourselves.
- What do you mean? asked Tsuyu.
- It means you'll lead attacks on the people here and terrorize them, in order to lure the heroes.
- Oh my, how fun! exclaimed Momo.
- You will all go out once a week and attack a certain location. Make sure to bring the media's attention.
- Aren't we just acting like the heroes this way? I said.

Everyone suddenly stopped talking and turned towards me.

- We've got to play their game, he answered rudely.

I let out a chuckle. "How ridiculous. This isn't even an answer."

- Anyway, you are now free to go. You will all be staying in a room upstairs, since this place isn't very big. On your beds, you will find your costumes and accessories. Find a name for your group and choose a leader as well, I don't fucking care. Tomorrow, you will start your intensive training.

All 6 of us got up and followed Kurogiri upstairs. He lead us to our room, in which we entered, and then he closed the door.

- Well, it seems that we'll all be sleeping in the same room! exclaimed Shoto.

The room was rather big. There was three bunk beds, a mirror, a big table in the middle of the room with nothing on it and a huge closet, separated in 6. They really planned everything.

- I'm taking the top!~ said Tsuyu, jumping on one of the mattresses.

Everyone chose a bed, no one argued. Ochako took the top and I took the bottom.

-  The outfits! exclaimed Momo.

She held the costume in front of her and admired it. It was a long scarlet dress with many black frills. It was accompanied with a black jacket. And in the front, inside a pocket, a rose, fake obviously, was sticking out.

 And in the front, inside a pocket, a rose, fake obviously, was sticking out

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[Sketch of the dress without the black jacket. It's not OP level drawing skills, but st least you have an idea. ]

Along with that, there was a wig, a mask and red colored contacts.

Every girl had the same thing. On my side, I had a black tuxedo, with a scarlet scarf placed underneath the jacket, a scarlet tie, along with a white shirt under all of that and finally, the fake plastic rose in the front pocket. Same as the girls, I had a mask, wig and red colored contacts.

- So cool! It looks beautiful! said Momo.
- What is the wig for though?
- It's to hide our identity, said Iida.
- Oooooooh! Makes sense, answered Shoto with a shrug.
- The mask is awesome! exclaimed Tsuyu.

She showed us all what it looked like.

It was an black gas mask that covered our entire faces, decorated with red and black. It only left holes for our eyes and little ones for us to breath.

- This is cool and all, but we need a name for the group, suddenly said Ochako.
- Oh, right! said Shoto with an over exaggerated smile.
- How about The Rose Killers~! proposed Tsuyu.
- Are you dumb? This is stupid, I blurted out.
- No need to be rude, meanie! screamed Tsuyu. Do you have something better maybe?
- Maybe.
- Oh! I have one! said Shoto. Dark Night!
- This is not good either, said Ochako.
- Awww! I thought it was good! cried Shoto.
- I have an idea, said Ochako.

Everyone looked at her.

- How about Kill Dance?
- Ohhhh, I like that a lot! said Shoto, clapping his hands.
- Me too! The costumes do look like some dancers costumes! said Tsuyu.
- Alright! We'll go with that! exclaimed Shoto, way too happy.
- And, as a leader, I vote for Izuku, continued the brunette.

I raised an eyebrow, suprised.

- Same for me, said Iida, raising his hand.
- Well, if you think he'll be fit for a leader, let's go with that! Shoto said.

We continued to talk about this for a few hours until it was time to go to sleep. No one bothered to change into different clothes and went to sleep in the same clothes.


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