Part XXII - Parent Meeting

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For the whole day at school, I didn't talk to anyone. I went to class, stared out the window, took random notes and ate lunch. Then, the meeting with...


Us 6 had to skip class this afternoon to meet our parents. The principal went to pick us up from class when afternoon classes began.

- Come with me.

He led us through the corridors, his usual smile plastered on his face.

- Now now, because the prison doesn't trust you at all, I have to chain you up.

He took out pairs of handcuffs and handcuffed us all. I didn't resist, I wasn't in the mood to resist.

- Alright, a few rules before going in! First, you'll be in individual rooms to talk with your parents, a wall of glass will be separating you from them, you will be in a room similar to the one we brought you in the time you were caught. Second, if you make just a single suspicious move, the guards won't hesitate to zap you. And lastly, you will be recorded the whole way. Understood.
- Yes sir, we all said in unison.
- Good, let's go in.

He opened the big metal door that led to the prison under the school. Immediately, some guard took me by the handcuffs, caussing the handcuffs and chains to rub on my skin. I felt blood trickling down my hands behind my back.

- Ouch! I heard Tsuyu say.
- Don't talk, villain!

Her guard slapped her shoulder. "That asshole has no right to do that, even to Annoying #3!"

I looked back and sent a death glare to the guard that did that. I saw him shiver in fear, before trying to send me one too, but failed miserably.

After a few minutes of walking, they all separated us. I looked at everyone. Shoto was looking at me with eyes that screamed "help", Ochako looked completely out of this world, Momo looked sad, as well as Tsuyu, while Tenya looked mad.

- Hey kid! Walk, I don't have all day!

He took my handcuffs and shook them, causing the metal to cut my skin even more. "What the hell is wrong with those chains?!" I thought as I hissed in pain.

- Here.

He opened a door and pushed me in. I accidentally tripped and fell over.

- Get up, you pathetic trash!

I turned around and, getting up, I kicked him in the knees.

- Fuck off, I hissed.
- Brat!

He stood up again and, taking the chains, he suddenly pulled them towards him. I felt the cold metal dig in my skin. I silently hissed in pain yet again, not letting this asshole hear it.

- Sit down, you disgusting villain!

I sat down on the metal chair.

- I was only supposed to tie your hands, but since you look like a wild beast, I'll tie you all up I guess.

He tied chains around my neck, hands behind my back and ankles. The chains were also digging in my skin.

- Wait here now you brat.

He left the room, making the door slam hard.

I sighed slightly as he left, looking around the room. But I was neatly stopped when I turned my head, which caused the chains to scratch my skin.

In front of me was the same room there was when we were first here. Cameras were pointed towards me and a mic was attached to my U.A uniform.

I must have stayed here a good 20 minutes before the door opened and revealed the principal.

- Alright Midoriya, ready?

I just lowered my head.

- I'll take that as a yes.

I heard a door close. I hung my head low, my hair covering my eyes, I didn't want my mother to see me, nor did I wanted to see my mother's disappointed look.

I heard a door open and footsteps coming in.

But why were there more than one person?

I heard chairs being pulled before it was silent.

It stayed silent for a good two minutes after that. I didn't dare raise my head, but I got curious after a while.

Curious to see who was the mysterious person with my mother.

I looked up.

Immediately, my eyes widened. I felt my heart skip a beat. A shiver ran down my spine as my breathing suddenly got more difficult.

"No...what the hell?"


- Mommy?

The green haired child asked her mother with sparkling eyes, holding an All Might action figure.

- Yes Izuku?
- Where is dadda?

The mother smiled sadly.

- He's working overseas darling.
- But I miss him! I want dadda!

The little kid started whimpering. The mother crouched down and hugged her 6 years old son.

- Shhh, don't worry Izuku, he'll come back, dadda always comes back.
- You promise mommy?
- I promise.


"What the hell is he doing back here?! After 12 years?"

He looked at me with a slightly sad expression, his short dark hair pulled back in a pompadour style. He was dressed in a fancy suit, kind of the one I wore as a villain, but completely black. Beside him sat my mom.

I locked eyes with her and immediately, she teared up.

Her green eyes had bags under them. She had lost some weight and looked tired. She still had the same hairstyle, but her hair was longer.

- Izuku?

I looked away, feeling a wave of emotion hit me in the face as she said that. She said it with such hope, such hope that they were lying about what she was told about her son.

I never felt so much emotions coming in at once in a long time. Anger, because my father reappeared so suddenly, and sadness mostly.

- Izuku? Are you ok Izuku!?

I lowered my head, allowing the tears to fill my eyes. I took a deep breath and sucked them back in before raising my head again, only to meet the eyes of my crying mother yet again.

- I'm fine, I finally said.
- You have a scar over your eye! My poor Izuku! What did they do to you?!
- I'm ok, you don't have to worry about me anymore.

My father said nothing. I looked at him in the eyes and he looked right into mine. I squinted my eyes with a neutral expression. Then, he looked down.

- I'm so happy you remember me Izuku! They... they said that the brainwashing really messed up with your brain and I was so scared! Mom said with a small smile.

She was clearly avoiding the real reason why I was in prison, and not in a hospital.

- Mom, you know what I did, you don't have to be kind with me.

I lowered my head and looked at the floor as the room stayed silent.

- Hehe, you really are my Izuku, as observant as ever...

Another silence.

- Yes, I know Izuku, but...

It was silent yet again.

- Do you feel guilty?

This time, the voice that spoke wasn't a female voice, but a voice I didn't hear in a long time.

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