Part XX - What a Show

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The next battle was a breeze. It was Momo and Shoto against the other team and they did not last long.

The final match was then Momo and Shoto against me.

And yeah, me and I alone, because Bakugo was still knocked out. They wanted to match Ochako with me, but I said that I would be ok for this alone.

- Midoriya, Shoto and Momo. Prepare yourselves, said Aizawa.

The entire class looked at us, with neutral looks. I grinned, stood up from my wall and went to the spot I was assigned to.

When the countdown was over, I didn't move.

I let them come to me.

I played with my gloves and my tie while I waited for them. I kicked the rocks on the floor and made fun of the heroes on top of the building by staring at them right in the eyes, making them so uncomfortable they had to look away.

After a few seconds, I heard a slight sound of footsteps from my right. I dodged Shoto's ice just in time as I grinned at him.

- Aw, c'mon Izu, put some heart into it! said Shoto with a huge smile.
- Izuuuuuku! I'm coming! screamed Momo.

I just kept dodging their attacks.

Shoto's fire and ice.

Momo's knives and cannonballs.

It was an effective tactic of combat because they had great speed and strength, but they lacked any strategies, they were all about making damage more than anything.

I took them by suprise when I blew off Momo's cannon with a small 5% punch.

I quickly followed with a 20% punch in Shoto's guts, sending him a few meters back, making him cough blood at the same time.

Momo, taking advantage of the moment of distraction, tried to stab me with a knife. But I took her hand just as she was about to get it through my lungs and twisted it, smashing her on the ground. The ground cracked with force of the impact.

She grunted, but before she could get up, I slammed my foot onto her back, knocking her out.

Not even a second after, I felt my arm being frozen.

- Gotcha Izu! he giggled.

I struggled to get out, but when I was free, I started throwing punches at him. He would either dodge them or block them with ice or fire. It went on like this for a several seconds before I kicked his knees out of nowhere, making him drop on the floor.

- Remember Shoto, you need to protect yourself on every part of your body.
- Got it chief!

With my knee filled with Full Cowl, I hit him in the face, knocking him out instantly.

- Midoriya wins!

I dusted off my suit and grabbed Shoto and Momo's bodies, throwing them over my shoulders as I made my way back. "How boring, can't something exciting happen for once?" I thought as I entered the room, welcomed by all the shocked faces of both students and heroes.


Class finally ended after this boring tournament. I slowly made my way back to the dorms. My knees and ankles hurted because of the fight, I was basically dragging my body back to the dorms in a way.

When I got there, I saw a bandaged Shoto and Momo as well as Ochako and Tenya, sitting at a table while the other students just sat on the couches playing games.

I approached them and sat down, sighing.

- I smell something's wrong Izuku, said Tenya.
- You could say that. Where the heck is Tsuyu? I asked.
- She's gone to her room to change. Did you want to tell us something?
- Yeah.
- Will you cook cookies for us?! asked Shoto with sparkling eyes.
- No, what the fuck, where did you get this idea from? I asked.
- Aw, last time you made cookies, it tasted good, said Momo with saliva dripping from her mouth.
- Heyyyy! What did I miss, said Tsuyu as she sat on a chair.
- Well...

I chuckled.

- Get ready to see your parents I guess, I said with a grin.

The looks of surprise on their faces pleased me.

- No way?! screamed Shoto. Not my shitty father!

[A/N: They have memory loss, but they still remember important info about their families. Like Shoto remembers his father because of what he did, Midoriya remembers his mom because she was so dear to him, Tenya remembers his brother more than anything, Ochako has small memories of both her parents and Tsuyu remembers her entire family, but only their names. Momo doesn't remember lots about her parents.]

- I wonder what my mom and dad will think? asked Tsuyu, her finger on her lips.
- I don't feel anything towards them honestly. They can think whatever they want of me, said Tenya with a straight face.
- I'll burn my father's face! Make him bathe in his own flames! said Shoto as Momo laughed.
- Are we forced to go? asked Ochako.
- Yep, no choice, I said.
- Ah, fuck! screamed Shoto at the top of his lungs, getting the attention of the other students.

The room was silent for an uncomfortable minutes before they went back to playing games.

- Shoto, shut the fuck up~, said Tsuyu.
- Rude! he screamed again.

I rolled my eyes and sat up.

- I'm going to my room. Ochako, can I talk to you?

She smiled a little, understanding what I wanted to talk about and got up too.

- Ohhhh~ If you do the nasty, be qu-

Ochako slapped Tsuyu, making her float and shut up at the same time.

- Wheeeeeee! Tsuyu shouted as she wiggled in the air.

The others were just laughing as she moved through the air.

- Release.

She crashed down on the floor face first. I couldn't hold it and started laughing, along with Ochako.

- Good job, I said.
- Thanks.

We left the room, leaving Tsuyu complaining and whining behind.

[Sorry for the slow updates, hope you enjoyed! Give me your feedback!]

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