Part V - It's Just the Beginning...

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[The music just represents the story so much, listen to it to get in the mood!]


A few hours later, it was finally over.

Everyone went back to the room.

Shoto and Momo both jumped on their beds, not bothering to change. Tsuyu took place in her bed, the one on top of Momo and immediately fell asleep. This was the only moment of the day the three of them didn't goof around.

After a few minutes, I was left to be the only one awake.

I couldn't sleep, lost in my thoughts.

I was thinking about what Tenya asked earlier, about the quirks.

Shigaraki was smart.

The heroes from Japan are the best of the best, and, if our "criminal group" ever makes the international news, they might recognize our quirks.

I'm the only one here to actually know what really happened, and no one can know.

We got kidnapped by the villains, yeah ok.

But what made me mad, was that they didn't even come to our rescue.

They didn't bother to search for us.

Just thinking about it makes me want to punch a wall.

They made me suffer for three fucking weeks.

Three weeks, three weeks I could have spend doing much more useful things.

And now, I'm stuck with 3 annoying brats, 1 weird dude and Ochako. She was the only one here that kept me from escaping, to be honest.

"Fucking villains, fucking heroes, I hate everyone." I thought before I drifted to sleep.


I woke up at 5 A.M., unable to sleep anymore. I went to the bathroom, took a shower and went back to the room.

Opening the closet, I shuffle through my section and grab the costume. No one ever tried it, wanting to keep it for the first task.

Just as I took it off the hook, I heard a small voice behind me.

- Hmmmm, what are you doing Izuku?

It was Ochako. She was still half asleep and her hair was all messy. I would be lying if I said she wasn't cute.

- Putting on the costume.
- Oh, can you give me mine, please?

I shuffled through her section and gave her what she asked for.

- Thanks, I'll be in the bathroom, she said while quitting the room.

I took mine and laid it on my bed. As I did that, the three idiots all woke up at the same time.

- OH MY GOOOD, THIS IS IT GUYS! screamed Tsuyu.
- Shut up, it's still 6 in the morning, I said.
- Awwww, aren't you excited, Izuku? It's gonna be so fun!
- Yeah yeah, I am, I said.
- Yay!

Tsuyu ran to the closet. She grabbed everyone's outfit and threw them on the table.

Oh, Tenya isn't awake yet! Tsuyu said.

She went to Tenya's bed and licked his face with her long tongue. "What the fuck."

- Wake up, sleepyhead!
- Hm?
- It's task time!
- Oh yes! he said, jumping out of his bed and landing on the floor perfectly.
- Here's your outfit! she said, handing out his outfit to him.

Everyone then proceeded to dress themselves. I wasn't a fan of dressing up in front of other people, I went out of the room and dressed in the hallway.

After a few minutes, I was done. The only thing I needed to do was to put on the wig.

I made my way to the bathroom and waited, knowing Ochako was still in there. When she got out, I was shocked.

She was gorgeous in that outfit.

It perfectly matched her curves, as if it was made for her specific size. She had a black wig on that had the same length as her original hair.

- What do you think, she asked.
- I-It looks good.
- Thanks, she said.

She smiled slightly.

It was the first time I saw her smile.

I was left there in the hallway, still in shock.

"Come on Izuku, what are you doing?" I thought, shaking the thought of Ochako out of my head.

I quickly placed the black wig on my head. It was pretty ugly, to be honest.

"Meh, it'll do, I guess."


We were all standing in the living room, wig on, mask on, outfit on and colored contacts on, ready to go.

- Momo, can you make enough knives for everyone?
- Sure!

The said girl unzipped her dress a little and began to make some knives. In total, she made 60 of them, in only a minute. 10 for each of us.

- Alright, here's your task. There is a festival a few minutes from here, where there's apparently a little less than 50 people. Attack it, go wild.
- Just 50? asked Tenya, visibility disappointed.
- This is a good way to start, replied Shigaraki. Izuku, you will lead the group to this adress.

He handed me a piece of paper. It was the festival's information sheet. I took a look at the adress, folded the paper and slided it inside my pocket.

- Alright, let's go, I said.


- Why can't Kurogiri teleport us theeeeeeere! complained Tsuyu.
- Because we need to do this by ourselves, I asnwered.
- Oh my god, we're heeeere! said Momo.

We were jumping from roof to roof and sneaking around in small alleys before we finally arrived. It was indeed a small festival. A music band was singing while a small crowd of less than 100 people were watching them, dancing and singing along.

- So, Izuku, how do we attack? asked Shoto, serious for once.
- Do you see that group of guards over there?

I pointed a group of guards.

- Yeah?
- Well, we'll attack them first with knives and then, everyone attacks on their own after that.
- Alright!
- C'mon, it's showtime! screamed Momo, jumping off the room, landing on the guards.

Each of us then followed her.

Quickly enough, we were done with them.

Everyone started screaming.

- Hiiiiii! KILL DANCE HERE! screamed Tsuyu, attacking people.

And, you can imagine how it went after that.

It was a true carnage.

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