PART XXI - Treasure

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[Hello! Your annoying author is back! Just a word to say that I'm sorry I couldn't update earlier! It feels good to be back too!

As for the popularity poll, here are the results:

1. Izuku - 14 votes
2. Shoto - 7 votes
3. Tsuyu - 5 votes
4. Ochako - 2 votes
5. Momo - 1 vote

Thanks for participating! Enjoy this chapter!]

11:34 PM.

I took the black mask out of my drawer and quietly installed it on my face. I took my hair out of my face and, with a small hair tie, I tied it back to keep my hair out of my face. I grabbed a black hoodie and black pants and put them on and finally, I grabbed a bag.

When I was done, I quietly opened the door and closed it behind me. I walked as silently as I could, holding my shoes in my hands to keep my feet from making any noise as I walked. I silently made my way to the lobby and there, a shadow was waiting by the door.

When she heard my faint footsteps, she turned around and sighed out of relief.

- I thought it was someone else for a second, she whispered.
- Don't worry. I made sure everyone was sleeping when I left.
- Alright. Let's go!

We opened a window and it made a slight creaking noise. Carefully slipping through, we closed it behind us. We left a little space open so that we could go back in later.

Sneaking behind the bushes and trees, we avoided any camera. Earlier today, I had put chewing gum on the camera lenses that were in our way. From what I know, these cameras only start to record if movement is seen, so right now, the staff shouldn't even know that there's gum on it.

When we finally passed the cameras, our biggest problem appeared.

The gate.

- Alright Ocha, I have an idea, I whispered.
- I'm listening.
- You will hold onto me and when I say go, you'll activate your quirk and we'll fly over the gate.
- Alright.

She climbed on my back. I blushed a little as I felt her hands wrap around my neck with one finger loose to refrain herself from activating her quirk.

I took a few meters back and then started running. I jumped.

- Go.

She activated her quirk and we started floating over the gate. When we were at a safe distance from it, she released her grip and I, using full cowl, landed safely with her on my back, accidentally making a hole in the ground.

- Mission accomplished boy! she whisper shouted in my ear.

I silently giggled as she got off and we both took off running.

We ran for a few minutes until we reached the familiar building.

- That's my window, I whispered.
- I'll float us up on the roof and you enter from there, alright?
- Mmmk.

She did as she said and, because my room was on the last floor, I climbed on the side of the building and reached my window. I opened it and, luckily, it was unlocked.

Careful not to make any sound, I closed the window behind me.

I tiptoed my way to my bed and, bending down, pulled out a box from it.

I ran to the other side of the room and, shuffling through my villains costumes in my closet, I took out a key. I went back to the box and opened it.

I smiled at the stacks of money. I took them and shoved them in my bag. I replaced the box under my bed, carefully locking it again, but taking the key with me.

Then, I heard some voices.

- Hey... hear....-thing....-pstairs?

"Crap, they heard something somehow."

Quickly, I opened the window and got out, silently closing it behind me.

I climbed the wall and just as I pulled myself on the roof, I heard the door of my room open.

- Mmm, I could have sworn I heard something coming from Izuku's room~! screamed a female voice

"Ugh, her voice ressembles Tsuyu's. So annoying."

I saw Ochako silently giggling at my disgusted face.

- Let's get out of here, I whispered.

She jumped on my back and I jumped down the building.

We ran back directly to U.A after that, running in dark alleys.

We redid what we did to get out of U.A and we climbed back inside the building by the window yet again. We closed it behind us and locked it.

- Umm... what are you doing?

Both of us froze as we heard a voice coming from behind us.

It was Kirishima and Ashido.

I looked at Ochako with panicked eyes. She had these eyes too until she frowned and ran up to them at an incredible speed.

Maybe it was because of the fatigue, but Ashido didn't react in time as she was grabbed by the collar. Quickly reacting, I did the same but with Kirishima.

- Hey man! Stop!

He struggled to get out of my grip, frowning and scratching my arms. It hurt like a bitch because of his quirk, but I did not let go.

- Don't tell anyone what you saw tonight, got it? I said with the most threatening tone I could take.
- Tch, it's honestly disgusting how both of you changed so much. You were such sweethearts before, loved by everyone.

My eyes widened at Ashido's words.

- Everyone knows you were the less affected by the torture and that you mostly developed these feelings and attitude all by yourselves.

She started to get tears in her eyes. Both her and Kirishima had stopped struggling in our grips. Without realizing, my grip had come lose. I felt my eyes getting wide.

- I want my Ochako back, she said with her voice cracking.

I looked at Ochako and she just let go of Ashido and ran away, probably to her room. I couldn't do anything, I was too shocked.

As for me, I just snapped my head back to Kirishima.

- Midoriya... this is not you. Come back to us man, I know you still want to be a hero deep down.

I frowned. I felt the tears stinging my eyes, but with one hand, I dried them.

- Deal with it, it happened, I-I can't do shit about it, I said with the most neutral tone.

I threw him on the floor and started to walk away to my room. When they couldn't see me anymore, I started running.

Tears flowing.

"What the hell is happening to me? Why am I crying? I'm so weak!"

I opened my door and silently closed it, throwing my bag full of money on my bed.

- F-F-Fuck the-them a-a-all!

My voice was shaky and I sounded exactly like a few months ago, when I was a normal hero in training.

I... don't know what to think anymore. Am I a hero... or a villain?

- Pathetic.

I layed down on my bed fully clothed and, with dried tears on my cheeks, I fell asleep.

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