Part VII - Breakdown?

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[Watch out for the Izuocha in this chapter! 👀]

It was 8 in the morning and everyone was about to board onto the plane. Shigaraki made sure that we didn't look too shady. Toga even put concealer on our dark bags while giggling and making fun of us.

Toga and Dabi even made an effort to look good. Toga let her hair down and put contacts on while Dabi used a hoodie and a mask to hide most of his weird scars.

We finally got on the plane. Kurogiri and Shigaraki had already warped in there, because let's be honest, they look way too shady to even look human.

I sat between Tenya and Ochako and the other three hyperactive freaks sat in front of us.

It was a long flight, without any stop anywhere.

- I'm sleeping, I don't want anyone to disturb me, I said.
- Aye aye captain! said Shoto in front of me.

I closed my eyes, and, instantly, I fell asleep.


I only woke up when we arrived a few hours later. It felt so good, sleeping for more than 4 hours.

I yawned and that's when I realized Ochako was sleeping on my shoulder.

She was holding my arm as if I was a teddy bear.

That made me blush.

I gently shook her shoulder. She woke up and when she saw me, she instantly jumped off of me and started blushing.

- S-Sorry! she said.
- It's ok. I was asleep too, I said, half smiling.

We got up and exited the airplane.

Everyone got past the security and finally made it out.

- Let's go to the base, said Shigaraki.

After going in a dark corner of an alley, Kurogiri warped us all into the new base, after the last one was destroyed by All Might and his lackeys.

When we got there, a few villains that had stayed behind to take care of the place turned towards the warp gate.

- Master Shigaraki, welcome back, said one of them.
- We kept the base in good condition, like you asked.

The base was exactly the same as before, except for some details, like the living room and bar.

- Thank you to you three, said Shigaraki.
- Wait, they are... said the one with the weird mask, pointing at us.
- The lost U.A students! exclaimed the one I think was named Twice.
- Yeah, they are on our side now, said Shigaraki. They are this group, Kill Dance.
- The infamous criminal group? Wow, Shigaraki, you did good!
- The mastermind behind most attacks was the green haired one, Izuku, Shigaraki praised me.
- Ahhhh, All Might's successor! Good job kid, said the weird lizard with his thumbs up.

I rolled my eyes and just exited the room. I went to my room, we had separated rooms now except for the girls, who asked to be together.

I was glad I didn't have to be with Shoto and unpacked my stuff.

After about 30 minutes, someone knocked on my door.

- What do you wa-

It was Ochako.

- Oh! Uh, enter, I said.

She entered my room and sat on my bed without saying a word. I sat beside her.

- Shigaraki wanted me to tell you that we're gonna attack some random event tomorrow, she said, giving me a piece of paper.
- Ah, thanks.
- No problem.

We stayed in an awkward silence for a few minutes.

- Can I... tell you something Izuku?
- Yeah, shoot.
- It's pretty important too. Don't tell anyone.
- Who can I even tell this to? Everyone here is an idiot apart from us.

She giggled.

- I know right! They are so annoying! Anyway, it's about something I'm feeling right now.
- Hm?
- I feel like... all these attacks are wrong. I hate heroes, but something in my mind tells me not to do it, you know? I've also had pieces of memory coming back to me gradually. Like the school, and my old family.
- Oh.

I turned my head. I didn't know wether or not I should tell her.

Ah, fuck it.

- I'll be honest with you, I never lost my memories, I blurted out.

She stood shocked for a few seconds.

- W-What, really?
- Yeah.
- What really happened then? Why do we look so happy in these memories? I don't understand.

She was freaking out. She had a mix panic, sadness, anger and hate in her eyes. I tried to calm her down.

- Calm down Ochako. What happened was that we were kidnapped by the villains here and tortured until we reached our breaking point. But the heroes never really bothered to save us. They are no better than villains.
- Oh my god...

She took her head with both her hands.

- This is... too much.

She took my pillow and threw it at the wall.

- Fucking heroes, fucking villains! They both ruined our lives, right? she asked me.
- Calm down... it's gonna be okay.
- No it's not! she said while grabbing my arm tightly. I hate heroes from the bottom of my heart because of what they've done, or rather, what they didn't do, but I also hate the villains now, because of what they did. I just... don't know which side to take anymore.

She was crying now. She hid her face in my shirt, sniffling and crying silently. I gave her a hug, still uneasy with the situation.

- Don't worry, I'm here for you, I said.
- Thank you Izuku. I'm sorry you had to see me like that.
- It's ok, I don't mind. Now, dry those tears.

She whipped them away and took a serious expression.

- What do I do now?
- It's up to you. I choose the villains because I think heroes are cowards and useless, since they didn't even bother to save us.
- You're right.

She paused.

- I'm staying wherever you are, she finally said.
- Alright, I said, half smiling.

She stood up and straightened her clothes.

- Hey um, can I... stay here tonight? she asked.
- W-What?
- It's just that...

She blushed.

- I don't want to sleep in the girls room. Momo and Tsuyu are too annoying.
- Ugh, don't remind me. Of course you can, then.
- Thanks.

She ran to her room to change into her nightwear, even if it was 3 in the afternoon. She came back a few minutes later.

We then continued to talk about a lot of things until around 6 P.M. I told her about U.A and our old classmates.

- So, you're telling me that most people there have the same attitude as Shoto, Momo and Tsuyu?
- Yeah.
- Oh my gosh, how annoying! Can't people act normally for once in their lives.
- That's one of the reason I didn't want to go back there.
- Ew! Just standing those three kids is impossible!
- I know.

We stopped talking when we heard a loud scream saying that dinner was served.

- WE'RE COMING, SHUT THE FUCK UP! screamed Ochako in response to Shoto's call.
- Like I said, annoying.

She nodded in agreement and we went downstairs. We grabbed our plate of food.

- I'm going outside to take some fresh air. It smells like fucking rat in here, I said, opening the hideout's door.
- Ugh, it's too cold! Good luck surviving, said Ochako.

I closed the door and sighed.

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