Part IX - Fail

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"Wow, they really called the big shots over here."


Everyone started running.

The pro heroes were using their quirks to catch up to us.

"Crap, we're too slow."

We were jumping all around on the roof until we finally reached the location.

When Kurogiri saw us, with pro heroes trailing on our tails, he immediately opened his portal. Everyone jumped in it.

I was the last to jump it in, just as Kamui Woods was about to grab my ankle with one of his branch.


- Holy crap! That was close! exclaimed Tsuyu, panting.

Shoto and Momo were both laying on the floor, almost hyperventilating.

- That was too close, I said between two gasps of air.
- They were really good! If I had not used my knife on that screaming hero's leg, he would have cought me, said Momo.

She was talking about Present Mic.

- Well, that was horrible, we heard someone say.

I turned my head to the sound of the voice.

Shigaraki came out of the shadow.

- I thought you guys were way better than that. That was embarrassing.
- But, we did our best! complained Tenya.
- IT WASN'T ENOUGH! Disappointing! he said before storming out of the room, raging.

He slammed the door, leaving us 6 in front of the bar.

- He's just overreacting, Ochako said.
- Yeah, I said.
- But still... started Momo.

She sighed.

- We could have done better.
- We did not use our quirks, it wasn't fair, I said.
- But we still need to get better! So that we can show Shigaraki we are worth it! said Shoto, determinated.
- Yes! Until next Wednesday, we will have an intensive training week! I will lead the training! said Iida.
- Yeah! So that next time, we can kill those stupid heroes! shouted Momo.

The four of them cheered in unison while I, on my side, groaned.

- To the training room! screamed Iida.

Not even bothering to remove their costume, they all started to run towards the said room.

- Here we go again... I muttered, following them.

[Time skip: 6 days later]
[Time: 9:49 P.M.]

- Okay, so, we need a plan for tomorrow, said Tenya.

They were all sitting on the training room's bench, sweating because of the training.

I stood before them.

- Here's the plan, I said, half motivated.

I cleared my throat.

- So, the attack is on this free street show that takes place in Musutafu. It's a small event with an estimated amount of 100 people. So, there is no plan actually. Just do the usual.
- So, we attack freely? asked Momo.
- Yes.
- Alright! said Shoto with energy.
- The show is at 6 in the evening. We still have all day to get prepared.
- Nice! exclaimed Tsuyu.
- I'm going to sleep now, I said.

I exited the room and went to my room.


When I woke up the next morning, I first took a shower and, before Tenya started to annoy me with yet another morning of intensive training, I escaped through the front door of the hideout.

I was wearing a black hoodie and some black pants. I also wore a little mask and sunglasses.

I grabbed a little bit of money and headed out.

I still remembered the layout of the city. I started to make my way to a corner shop I knew.

When I got there, I grabbed some bandages as well as something I've craved for months.

A cinnamon roll. I knwo it sounded weird, but since I can't buy nor cook Katsudon, why not get myself a little treat?

I bought all of that, leaving me with barely 300 (~3$) yen left.

As soon as I got out of the shop, I went to sit on a bench near there.

I unwrapped the delicious dessert and ate it.

It was like eating a rainbow.

It was so freaking good.

I remember now why I missed this so much.

When I finished it, I craved for more, but I had no money left.

I made my way back to the villain's hideout.

I went directly to my room. I checked into my comrades rooms, only to see that they weren't there.

"Probably training."

I removed my hoodie and my shirt underneath and approached the mirror.

The many scars that covered my body never stopped disgusting me.

I ignored them, as usual.

In last week's hot pursuit, Kamui Woods got my side with his quirk. This injury opened some of the scars, that won't stop bleeding since then. I replaced the old bandages with some new ones. The cut was slowly closing on itself.

I looked at my phone. It was 10. I laid on my bed, not knowing what to do.

"It's so boring here."

After a few minutes of thinking, I finally decided to go to another training room to train my quirk.

With Shigaraki's intensive training a few months ago, I reached 50% of One for All's power, but nothing improved since then.

When I got to the room, I started testing my quirk.

I tested Full Cowl, all the smashes and some tricks I thought myself, such as an Energy Shield, a Wave of Wind and a combo punch, using my two fists.

It felt good using my quirk.

I liked it.


After a few hours, it was now 5 in the afternoon.

I was sitting at the bar, drinking my typical lemonade. That's when the others made their appearance in the room.

- Hey, Izuku! Where were you? asked Shoto, waving at me.
- Taking a break from all of you.
- Aw, come on! You love us~! said Tsuyu.
- No, I answered.
- Yes, continued Shoto.
- I'm going, I said, getting up from my chair and finishing my lemonade.
- Noooo, come back! screamed Momo.

I went up to my room and dressed up in my costume. I changed my bandages and waited until it was time to go.

After half an hour, everyone was ready.

- Kurogiri will warp you there today, said Shigaraki. It's too dangerous.
- We can do it by ourselves, I replied.
- JUST DO AS I TELL! he screamed.

Kurogiri opened a warp gate.

- This will get you on top of a building there. Good luck, you'll need it. I'll be coming with you six in case anything happens.

We all went through the gate.

When we got there, loud music started to ring into our ears.

- Come on.
- Alright! said Momo.

We advanced to the edge of the roof. No one noticed us until we jumped in the crowd. Tsuyu announced us, as usual.

It was the same old process.

It was getting old and boring.

I was craving for something more exciting.

[I'm deeply sorry for this boring and disappointing chapter lmao. And as for the students reading this, good luck with finals!]

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