PART XXIII - Regrets?

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[New cover lmao I felt like it.

Also, for those confused with my way of writing, the "-" means that they're talking and the « " » are what the character is thinking to himself.]

- Do you feel guilty?

This time, it wasn't a female voice that spoke.

I looked up to see my father looking straight into my eyes, his dark eyes piercing right through my soul.

Deep inside me, two sides were battling each other.

One was the kind side. The side that was once whole a few months ago.

But the other side was the mean side. The side that would get excited at the sight of blood, the one that would get insane just at the thought of fighting and killing.

I took a deep breath.

- And you, dear father, do you feel guilty for leaving me?

Immediately, I felt him tense up. I saw my mother looking away from me as the situation was now reversed, I was piercing through my father's soul with a straight look on my face. I felt rage flowing through me when, after a few seconds, he did not answer.

- Where were you all those years, huh? Where were you when I was bullied, when everyone laughed at me, when I was called names and kicked left and right? The answer is no, I don't feel guilty, unfortunately for you. If I have to stay a criminal figure for the rest of my life, then so be it. I won't apologize to people who laughed at me for almost my whole life.

As I finished my monologue, my mother bursted in tears.

- I'm so sorry Izuku... I'm sorry my darling... I- I understand why you've done this now an-and, I'm n-not mad my b-baby.

I looked down after she said this.

I felt tears stinging my eyes. "Don't cry, god damnit!" I told myself as I gritted my teeth, tears sliding down my cheeks quietly.

- I'm sorry mom...
- It-it's ok Izuku! Don't apologize, you're ok now and that's all that matters.

I looked up to see her smiling at me. I smiled back through my tears as she giggled sadly.

I looked at my father and saw him slightly smirk.

- I'm... sorry too. A lot. For leaving you two, my most precious people in my life. It's ok if you hate me Izuku. I deserve it for what I've done.

I looked away, feeling the chains dig into my skin a little.

- Don't move Izuku! Oh god! These chains! Someone please remove these chains from him please!
- It's ok mom, they don't hurt.
- It's still very dangerous! It's unacceptable of such a prison to tie children this way!

I laughed a little at my mom's angry face. She immediately calmed herself a little.

Then, a loud booming voice echoed in the room.

- Time over. Visitors, please exit the room.

As I heard this, I felt panic take over me.

I didn't want my mom to leave. I felt comfortable, calmer and loved with her here, something I hadn't felt in a long time.

- Well, I will see you later Izuku!
- No, mom!
- I'm sorry Izuku!

She left the room and closed the door with a loud "slam!".

Immediately, I felt alone.

I felt stuck.


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