Letter 13

7 1 0

"Taking every breath away..."

Dear, Sophia,

What did you think about before you left, Soph?

Did you think of me?

Your life?

Your friends?

Your family?

Did you think about how you're never gonna go to the carnival again? How you're never gonna go see that new horror movie, "As Above, So Below"? That you're never going to travel and go to Africa?

Or did you think about your pain? Did you think about how it was finally gonna be over? That were finally getting what you wanted?

What's it like there up in heaven? Is it nice? Do you have a golden halo and beautiful, white wings? What's God like? What's Jesus like? Are they incredibly nice to you? I hope so. You deserve it.

Because you sure as hell didn't get it down here.

Love, Ashton

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