Letter 1

12 1 0

"Wait. Don't tell me heaven is place on Earth."


Dear, Sophia,

Hey, baby. It's been a while now since you left me. How long as it been? Like...4 months? 5 maybe? I'm not sure. I lost count since my mom made me throw away my calender since I've been keeping track on how many days you've been gone.

You know, I miss you a lot. I miss your gorgeous face. I have a bunch of pictures of you in this shoe box I keep under my bed. Sometimes I still look at them. I have some pictures living in my phone of you too. I look at those too.

But it's not the same.

I miss looking at your face in person.

Okay, get ready for the angst, mushy shit.

I miss your beautiful blue eyes. They were so blue. Every time I looked into them, it felt as if all of the sins from my past life were being cleansed. I miss your sweet lips. Sweet, pink, and soft. Like heaven whenever we kissed. I miss those light dusting of freckles going across the bridge of your nose that you hated. I miss your petite hands and creamy skin.

I miss you.

And I don't think I'll ever stop.

Love, Ashton

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