Flying In Luxury

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I entered the plane and stopped, to do something I really had to do. "Sorry guys! But this is necessary!" I yelled to the band, who were already on the plane.

I turned so I was facing the opposite way to the plane. I mustered up all I could, and shouted as loud as I could, "adios motherfuckers!" I then heard about 5 men laughing, I wonder who that could be?

Yeah, when I mentioned doing that a few days ago, I wasn't just joking, you know? I meant it literally.

I was so excited and hyped so I jumped and skipped properly into the plane. I stopped and took into my surroundings. It was so nice - luxurious in fact. "Holy shit!" I gasped. I never expected it to be this big and nice.

I skipped to a seat by the band, and sat down, before reclining in it. I relaxed for a minute, then put the chair back up for take off.

"So you like it then?" Dad asked, smirking.

"Love it!" I replied, smirking. And I really did, this was great, and I could tell it was only gonna get better.

A bit later in the trip, Dad asked me about myself and for me to just tell him everything. I wasn't sure what to say so I told him to ask me questions of what he'd want to know and I'd answer.

"Err...I'll start with education and jobs and stuff...did you go to university?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, I did." I replied, smiling. He looked like he was expecting more of an answer so I went into more detail, "I studied History and I got a first, from Cambridge."

"A first! Wow! You're intelligent then!" Joe laughed. He paused for a minute. "Wait, isn't Cambridge the best university in England and in like...the top 5 in the world."

"Yeah." I shrugged.

"Wow." Steven said, in wonderment.

"Yeah, shit, you're clever!" Joey exclaimed.

I just shrugged again, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Did you have a job back in England?" Dad asked as his second question.

"Yeah. Err..I worked in a record shop and I did bartending and waitressing and stuff. When I realised that I needed to escape and move I needed to get a job that gave more money. But I was still in uni so it couldn't be proper. So err..I errr...danced in clubs...if you know what I mean. I'm hoping to get a proper job at some point in America though." I said, with a guilty and embarrassed blush rising on my cheeks.

They guys all started laughing, except Dad, he just looked really awkward.

"Anywayyy...what else do you wanna know?" I asked.

"Talk to me about music. What music do you like?" Dad asked.

"Err...Aerosmith are my favourite band, second favourite are Bon Jovi. I love Meat Loaf, Queen, Pink Floyd and I like Kiss and Led Zeppelin a lot too. Especially Jimmy Page's guitar solos, they are so awesome!" I replied.

Dad looked proud, "I haven't even raised you to like awesome music, yet you like it anyway! That's awesome!! What about The Rolling Stones and The Beatles?"

"Well..the Stones are good, and Keith and Mick are like rock Gods, don't get me wrong. But, I don't really listen to them, I've just never really gotten into them. And The Beatles, I recognise that they're great and stuff, and I like a few of their songs but I don't really like their sound." I said truthfully, shrugging.

"Fair enough." Dad replied.

There were a few more questions and then we stopped talking for a while. I was just sitting down, looking out the plane/jet window, when Steven sat next to me and started talking to me.

" are you?" He asked, awkwardly.

"I'm great thanks, you?" I replied, smiling at him. I really really liked him, and it nearly broke my heart that I couldn't be with him now.

"Yeah, I'm good thanks." He said, sighing. "I know I was flirting with you earlier and I invited you backstage and stuff. So, I just wanted to say sorry and that I know you're my best friend's daughter, so I won't try it anymore."

"Steven, don't apologise. I'm so happy that I've found my Dad, but I really do like you. It's such a shame, 'cause I really feel something towards you. I'm sorry, I wish that it was slightly different." I sighed back.

Just then, our eyes locked together, and I felt something. What was it? I dunno, a spark maybe? Yes, that's definitely what it was, a spark! We continued to gaze into each others eyes, when I noticed Dad staring at us, with his eyes narrowed, out of my peripheral vision. I quickly snapped out of it, as did Steven and he awkwardly went back to his seat.

I laid my head back on the chair and couldn't help but contemplate what had happened. That was definitely a spark I felt, definitely. I really liked Steven.

I mean, maybe Dad wouldn't mind us two being together. Yeah, he could be happy, if me and Steven got married then Steven would be his family. Yeah, but he'd be his son-in-law, son, yet Steven's older than him. Yeah...he wouldn't take that very well. Wait, I just met Steven and we're not even together and we can't ever be, so why am I talking about marriage? God, I'm insane.

I kept having crazy thoughts like these, until I drifted off into a deep sleep.

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