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"Hey Soph?" Dad yelled.

"Yeah?" I called back, running down the stairs to my Dad.

"You up for meeting your brothers tonight?" He asked.

"Of course! But can I bring Hannah?" I replied.

"Sure." He smiled, before I went upstairs to pick out clothes for tonight.

"Guess what Hannah?!" I squealed as I ran into work.

"What?" She shouted back.

"Guess who you're meeting tonight?!" I exclaimed.

"Who?" She again shouted.

"My brothers!" I giggled loudly.

"No. Frickin'. Way.!" She squealed, bouncing up and down.

"Yes!!!" I exclaimed, bouncing with her.

"Hey jumpy." Ian greeted, laughing.

"Hi." I muttered, before turning my attention back to Hannah.

"What's going on girls?" He asked, amused.

"I'm meeting the Perry sons!" She screamed, bouncing higher and higher. "Oh my God! They're so hot! Tony and Roman! Ahhhh!!!"

"Calm down babe! What about Austin?" I winked.

"Foursome! Me, Austin, Tony and Roman!" She grinned.

"Right." I laughed.

Ian was bending over laughing, clutching his stomach and turning red.

"What's so funny?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow.

"" He said, in between bursts of laughter.

This caused me to burst out in laughter, then Hannah. We didn't like Ian, but we were in a good mood, so why the hell not? We must have looked so fucking weird though!

We laughed and laughed until our insides hurt.

"The fuck?" A familiar voice asked.

"Tom!" I squealed, ran up and hugged him.

"Hey Soph, what's up with the laughing?" He enquired, hugging me back.

"Honestly, I have no idea." I laughed

"Normal..." He muttered. "Anyway, how are you girls?"

"I'm greattttt thankyouuuuu!" Hannah sang.

"Yeah, I'm good thanks, what about you?" I replied.

"I'm good. What about you Ian?" Tom laughed.

"What about me?" Ian asked, shocked, only causing us to laugh harder.

"How are you?" Tom repeated.

"Same old same old!" Ian replied, going up to Tom and giving him a man hug.

"Anyway, what you doing here?" I asked Tom.

"Well, actually, I need to talk to you Soph." He awkwardly replied.

"Ok?" I asked.

"In private." He quickly added.

"Go ahead Soph, just be quick." Ian kindly said.

"Thanks." I replied, and took Tom into a storage room.

"What is it?" I whispered.

"I know." He said quietly.

What the hell does he know?

"What do you know?" I asked.

"About you and Steven." He replied.

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