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"You guys done talking yet?" Keegan says as he trudges down the stairs

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"You guys done talking yet?" Keegan says as he trudges down the stairs.

"Yeah, we are." Cade replies.

Keegan passes the front door just as it bursts open, insantly startling him and causing him fly up a couple of feet. His head snaps over to glare at whoever it was but he never did, instead he just stood there, almost paralyzed.

The person at the door was a man and he had two large suitcases on each side of him.

Keegan's face turns into pure shock, ignoring the cold winds whirling into the heated house. Shock also washes over Cade. Merida notices and it took only once glance, she quickly stands up and covers her mouth.

"Nick..." she gasps.

"Merida." He breathes out tiredly.

He pushes his way inside as all three just stared at him. He puts his suitcases to the side and takes his coat off, putting it on the rack he only ever used.

He then smiles at his wife. "Hey..."

But Merida didn't look so happy.

She was completely baffled. "Hey? Nick, you haven't contacted me in like five fucking months and you say hey?!"

"Baby, I'm sorry, I was at the business-"

"No!" She shouts. "The business trip didn't end today or yesterday, it ended two months after you went France! Where the fuck were you those three months later?!"

"Look, I'll explain... but right n-"

"Hey dickhole!" Keegan calls out from behind him. Nick turns his head towards Keegan with an uncomforting look.

"They're still here?" He asks Merida, irritation clear in his voice. She just glares.

"Yeah we are, so you going to explain or what? It's that or you can go back to where you came from, fucker." Cade snaps.

Nick frantically looks around before then swallowing a lump of his saliva.

He stood tall. "Well, I want a divorce for one. I don't want to live here anymore and I don't love you anymore. I met a woman in Paris, I fell in love with her and I want to move there."

Silence. A very long and tensed silence.

Merida just stares at him and she smiles. Cade and Keegan gazed at him in complete anger. But she just smiled.

"You really did it, huh? Fifteen years... fifteen years just thrown into the gutter, huh? Because of a woman in Paris?" She shakes her head.

Nick goes to speak. "Don't speak-!"

"Shut up, you idiotic shit-nosed asshole."

Nick glows red from embarrassment.

"You think I'm stupid? You've been gone for five months, I know what you did in that time period. And you gave me a choice, you said that it was optional since you already got promoted. And I still let you go. You'd been with this girl before you even went to Paris, of course you wer only texting and calling at the time."

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