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"Outlaws are making more and more damages in Dornish marches. Raiding villages and stealing crops and goods. Both the Stormlands and the Reach have had a lot material losses. Some believe Sunspear is responsible in order to recoup what the outlaws have stolen." says Pycelle.

"There are outlaws everywhere in all border areas between kingdoms there are and have always been outlaws. Why is this situation different?" Tywin asks, seemingly unbothered.

"Before they were only casual attacks on travelers, but now there have been organized attacks by large groups, stealing from homes, taking livestock, and killing people. This cannot be a coincidence. They wouldn't dare commit such atrocities if they had no support. I believe they are getting their coin, where would they find the steel otherwise?" Stannis added.

"Who do you suggest is behind this, Lord Stannis?" asks Rhaegar.

"I wouldn't like to speak without all of the facts. I only have suspicions."

"You can share your suspicions with us." urges the king.

"The thief never steals from his own home." mumbles Lord Baelish.

"I assure you Storm's End has no hand in this, if that's what you are implying." Stannis growled.

The room was silent for a few moments, Mace Tyrell finally jumping in as he woke up from his day dreaming. "Eh, yes, we also have nothing to do with these raids."

"Blaming the non-present party. How convenient" whispered Jon to himself. He was sitting next to his father with Ghost behind him. Rhaegar smirked at his comment but the others seemed to miss it. Of course you would point the finger at Dorne. They aren't here to defend themselves, he thought. Not that Jon had any particular affection to Dorne but it just bothered him how the small council would place the fault on the only party not present. Something about the situation was fishy, but he couldn't point it out.

"We are going to find out soon what is happening and where the fault lies." warned this father. Silence spread in the room, then at his father's signal, Jon Arryn continued.

"The prince's nameday is getting closer and we will take your suggestion of holding a tourney in his honor;it will be held in Sunspear."

Jon could see faces fall, and Pycelle was the only one who spoke.

"But this means..."

"Yes maester! I'm going to Dorne! This situation cannot continue any longer. The raids and conflicts in the south have to stop, and they won't stop while we continue to sit in our chairs and point fingers at who is responsible. We will go to Dorne and solve this for good." Most of the members had a concerned look on their faces.

"That is an excellent move your grace, but we have to be careful and think of safety, especially because we don't know if Dorne will appreciate the rest of the realm suddenly coming for a tourney that was thrust upon them." said the eunuch.

"A Tourney has never been held in Sunspear, it will give Dorne quite a lot of attention if it's what they want." said Stannis.

"People coming to the Tourney from all over the seven kingdoms will remind them that they are part of the realm." added Tywin.

"Indeed! Royal party marches on the morrow" said Jon Arryn.

Rhaegar had been careful not to trust the small council with the news that Prince Doran had actually welcomed the news of their visit, and had wrote he was pleased to hold the event in the prince's honor, and had given them a lot of hope on restoring their relations. The king had tried again to reason with Viserys regarding a marriage pact with Dorne a few days ago, but he insisted what Rhaegar was demanding was a grave insult. The conversation had heated but at least something good had come from it, Viserys had finally accepted to marry on Rhaegar's terms, but he would settle for nothing less than a trueborn noble Lady.

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