Ladies man

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The direwolf growling at her face with his bloody mouth had been a scaring view for her however she had forced herself to show no fear. She had reached out to pet the beast despite her fear and the creature had soothed. It turned out the frightening beast was a sweet and smart animal. She liked him a lot but she wondered what happened to him? The wolf had been surprisingly friendly so why would someone attack it? As she thought of the wolf she thought of the wolf prince. For a moment her thoughts shifted, that meant the king was closer than she thought and the idea made her nervous. Why was the wolf named Ghost? Why would the prince choose such name? Maybe the poor wolf was running from its owner she thought. At least his caretaker was loving.

She didn't see him well enough but she saw he was very attached to Ghost, however the stable boy was a bit too bold for a servant and too perhaps a bit dumb for his job.

The sunlight pouring through the sheer curtains of her canopied bed woke her. Hearing from Doreah that the crown princes had come to Water Gardens and that one of them was sleeping next door made her dress fast and ride to Sunspear at once. She said she needed to be there because the king was coming but in truth she was escaping from them. Her mind was still trying to cope with who she was and her mother, her name, how was she like, a thousand questions crossed her mind she wasn't ready to deal with these two impatient princes. She had stayed in Water Gardens to avoid them and they had found her, it looked like gods were playing tricks. Once in Sunspear, Dany unmounted her horse and rushed to her room "they will soon come here... this is pointless" she said checking at a window that overlooked Shadow city. She needed to find a way out fast, she had no intention on marrying, luckily she saw no large caravan in horizon, yet. Looking at the bazaars she got an idea. "A man doesn't take what he doesn't see."she remembered the words of a trader they had dealt with in Volantis when Oberyn had asked for a sail in the promise for silver at arrival to Sunspear. He didn't took them in the ship till her father made the coin. If a mare captain doesn't take what he hasn't seen, princes even less. Now this sounded like a plan, if father would agree. Maybe there wouldn't even be a need for it if he had managed to change Doran's mind but the voice inside her head didn't share the same thought.

The news of officially being a Martell had the opposite effect on her younger sister. Nymeria had been quite thrilled by the idea and made it clear when they had been bathing in the open marbled pool, few hours later.

"I don't understand why you are whining about it, if what you say is true and Doran has plans for us both I don't see the dread to it... Don't you see? A Martell would be queen. We, would be queens" she said getting closer to her.

"We are no Martells in case you have forgotten but if you would like it so much, go for it"

"A Martell should have been queen already, but worm's have her," interfered Obara.

"Oh shut up," scolded Nymeria.

"She's right, it didn't turn out well for the last queen to be, why should it be good for any of us?" asked Dany.

"Another time-" said Nymeria.

"-but the same king," completed Dany.

"You both are overreacting, Doran said nothing yet" offered Tyene. "I get your enthusiasm" she said looking at Nymeria "but I don't get your worry" she continued looking at Dany.

"It's true, father told me... none of you should make a word of it," threatened Dany.

"Fine, the news seems true but is there something else we need to know Dany?" asked Tyene.

"You had that talk?.. What did he say?" asked Sarella getting closer to her and so did the other sisters invading her space, surrendering her.

"We didn't talk much.."

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