I See Dragons

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"Here you are. Your sisters said I would find you here," said Oberyn, getting close to her. Ellaria had summoned Dany in her room. They had been chatting over how much food was needed for guests and how excessive they found the king to be for needing over five hundred guards to accompany him. She didn't really hear what he said but in meeting his gaze, she understood that he was talking to her.

"Something's wrong?"

"No. Everything is fine," said her father exchanging a knowing look with his woman.

"My dear. I forgot to check on the fabrics and the table cloths we ordered", said Ellaria, excusing herself. Dany felt it was just an excuse for her to leave them alone in the room together.

"What were you saying father?"

"I see you found the time to train today."

"Yes I did... just a bit. Hope you didn't change your mind?" asked Dany a bit concerned.

"Oh no, not at all. I meant it."

Good, she was relieved.

"But I'll ask you to dye your hair," said her father a bit nervous.

Her eyes narrowed. What? Why? She'd gone years without changing it. Why was her father asking for it now all of a sudden? First he let her train and now this? Targaryens she thought. Maybe it was the stress of everything, her enclosement, the preparations, or maybe this was that last drop needed to fill the jar before she felt the urge to let it out, she could take it no more. Knowing there was no one around to hear, she decided to ask the question that had been eating away at her.

"Am I a Blackfyre?" She asked abruptly. There was a dead silence but anyone could have noticed the shock on her father's face. "W..What?" he mumbled.

"Mother was a Blackfyre, wasn't she?"

"Where did you get this from?" asked Oberyn, trying to buy time.

"I am not blind. Damn it... It's true, I have patiently waited for you to tell me about mother but I'm not blind, and to your bad luck I'm not stupid either." He remained there shocked trying to figure out what to do or say, she could tell that much.

"Heh.. When I was little I thought it was a fun game, each time you had the maids dye my hair black. I always thought we were playing dress-up. And each time you asked me I got happy because I knew we were going to travel somewhere in Essos but now... now we are going nowhere," continued Dany, trying to hold it together as she took a deep breath to calm herself before continuing again. She couldn't hide her disappointment in her father and she was angry at herself for not having understood it before. "It was never a game, you were hiding me. Of course... How could I have been so stupid? That's why you keep me inside! That's why I'm not allowed to go further than here! That's why you never let me visit any city in Westeros... My features give me away. Don't they?"

Her father was clearly taken off guard "It's not... do... do you hear yourself when you talk?"
"I don't need to. It's quite obvious I don't look like you at all father so I must look a lot like my mother... I always knew that, only a blind fool wouldn't notice it. It's the first time you've ever asked me to dye my hair while we're going nowhere, father. How ironic... hehe." She laughed hysterically, her father was just standing there, watching, at a loss for words. It was quite an achievement to surprise the Viper or to silence him.

"All this time... You have been hiding me from them, from the Targaryens. Now they are coming here... It must be your worst nightmare coming true!"

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