The knight and the nomad

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Daenerys (part 2)

She rose from the table and took the letter. Strangely, it was not addressed to anyone in particular "Shouldn't you give this to my lord father?" Dany asked quietly.

"Shadow brought it," the boy whispered in her ear. "I thought you should read it before anyone else."

"Thank you!"

Dany apologized to Margaery for not being able to eat the desert together and hastily made to leave. Her eye caught Oberyn's as she passed him, and he understood she'd let him know the content of the letter.

Having a black hawk as a pet was a great advantage. They flew faster than any bird, and when trained they could deliver a message three times faster than ravens.

The red seal with the sun and spear was still unbroken. Once in her father's study Dany broke it and read the letter, it was Tyenes writing.

Dear Sister,

I'm afraid I can't keep the promise. Everyone arrived safely but the Sun, the Dragon and the Wolf left as soon as they came. It's unknown where.

Be careful.

What is happening here? Seems like everyone has hidden agendas. But more than the secret plans and moves, she worried about Aegon's health. He was not yet well enough for long distance travel, hunting or similar activities. He needed to rest and recover.

Perhaps if his father knew he would not put him through all this. And why should she be careful? Did she refer to her plan?

"What is it?" asked her father. Clearly he had not been patient. She gave him the letter.

Oberyn's eyebrows went up. "Hmm... you write in code now?!" he said surprised.

"Rhaegar, Doran and Aegon left as soon as they arrived at the Water Gardens, she doesn't know where... And if Aegon's health gets worse-" answered Dany, though she thought he did not need translation.

"We are screwed," finished Oberyn.

Dany couldn't agree more. "We should have let Doran know, he would have been more careful in whatever he is trying to do," she regretted.

"There is no use on thinking in shoulds and coulds-

"No, but we must do something!"

"And we will..." Oberyn replied. It seemed like the viper had an idea about where they might be going.

"Do you think they went to Planky Town? Doran had me work on the harbor customs registry... perhaps it's where they are going. Maybe he needs to convince the king the trade taxes are too high for Dorne's coffers."

"Yes, yes," approved her father but likely, he had other ideas.

Oberyn left in a hurry, taking some of his best men, and Dany was happy she was left without her annoying shield.

Instead of worrying about the possible negative events happening, she decided to focus on the bright side. Her father would not be around, and if she was prudent enough, she could complete her unfinished business.

She instructed Doreah to cover for her. "What if someone asks for you my lady?"

"Tell them I am not feeling well or that I'm having women's issues, I'm resting and I don't want to be disturbed." Dany instructed.

Ellaria never bothered her, it was maester Myles, Ricasso, Alyse and the others she needed to fool. As for the coming guests, they either didn't know she existed or thought her to be sickly, so the excuse should work. She got ready quickly and stowed enough food in her bag for the days she planned to be gone along with the equipment, maps and medicines she'd need. The night had fallen, and the familiar noise of everynight dancing had started. Dany waited for her Tyrell guest to pass through the gates in her gilded litter before taking her horse. She used the secret passage she had recently discovered and galloped the shortcut paths all night to the red villages out in the desert. She was there before mid-day. From afar she saw the small gardens of vegetables families had started to build, making her happy. Her smart feathered companion stood up on her shoulder, also quite proud.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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