Someone's missing

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"What is taking so long?" Rhaegar muttered. He had been so worried about his son and brother that he now was failing to keep his calm appearance, his anxiety causing him to be restless and lose sleep. They are everything I have. I can't lose them. I made a terrible mistake... Lyanna! I'm so sorry.

However, he was the king, and he shouldn't let it show. No one should see how anxious he was and how much he feared losing his family, but now with only his best friend in the tent he could lower his walls.

"I shouldn't have let them go search for Ghost alone," he said, pacing in the tent. "They should be back by now."

"Ghost is fast... maybe he ran farther than they thought," suggested Arthur.

"What if someone did it on purpose and lured Ghost out? Everyone knows Jon would run after his wolf... I let them leave unguarded, and unarmed... a golden opportunity... such a huge mistake. I am such a fool." Rhaegar scoffed. He spared a glance at Arthur and noticed his friend appeared to be just as anxious as he was.

"I already sent men after them- men I trust. If there is no word in one hour, we will leave. Our men are already packing... Fear not: I told everyone we are parting before first light so we can make more progress before the heat of the zenith slows us down."

"So you also think it wasn't a coincidence?"

Arthur sighed in defeat. "Yes.. That seems the most likely explanation, Ghost isn't known to lash out the way he did. The question is: was it planned from one of our own or from one of the hosting party?... I aim to find out."

"If they die on their quest to retrieve the wolf, it matters little as to who wants them dead." Who wants US dead.

"No Targaryen will die on my watch," Arthur vowed. "The men I sent after them are on our fastest horses."

They'll hardly be of use, they aren't fast enough, wings are what we need. "Birds travel faster than horses." Rhaegar commented.

"Varys? He already left." Arthur replied.

"Where is that damn spider when we need his birds!" The king nearly growled in frustration.

Not having at the moment the sources he wished he had, the King and its court hit the road quickly. Arthur and Gerold had sent men to search for Jon and Viserys.

Rhaegar had rode on horseback. He had been the first one mounted, and had set the pace for the column. Kingsguard rode beside him in a double column flanking the king. He had urged the horse to go a bit faster and the column was now losing him, for the guard bearing the royal banner of House Targaryen scarlet three headed dragon in a black field, was well behind him and now they had to slow for a while, something not much welcomed by him.

One of the men they sent had returned with the news that a silver headed lonesome rider was seen riding near the main road but nothing more for it was rare for two travelers to exchange at the night. Viserys, if he is well than Jon must be too. Or so was the hope he wished to fill himself with but at least the caravan was not in his horses tail. The king did his best not to think of his family, distracting his mind with the never ending problems he'd have to solve upon his arrival to Sunspear, but no matter how much he tried to busy his mind it just wouldn't stop thinking about Jon and Viserys and of the incident with Ghost.

The more the king worried in circles about his brother and son, the more he came to realize the incident with the prince's direwolf seemed more and more suspicious. Why did it happen? Who was responsible? If it's Martells they are fools to do this within their own lands, but if it's not them or another dornish lord then it is one of my own men. The last thought didn't settle well in him.

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