She must know

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Ravens had brought other letters from Kings Landing and Doran had to change his plans. He had planned to visit Yronwood within the next month and inspect the silver mines, but decided to it now before Targaryens arrival. Recently, he had received disturbing information about desert fever spreading again and wanted to see the situation for itself. Doran knew Rhaegar would be eager to put Dorne in the fold again yet he didn't expected the king to have such a haste to visit him. Nevertheless, he was not man ever caught by surprise. He had summoned all Martell family members close and far to the Water Gardens right after he had taken the first letter. They could stay as long as they desired, but at least had to be there to welcome the royal family. All of Oberyn's daughters had come after the news of their father's arrival which ticked one thing off the list of things to do in his mind. He done the necessary paperwork with Lady Alyse, who was the lady treasurer of SunSpear, to make sure they had all food and drinks and everything necessary to host the large party which was expected to stay in Dorne for at least three moons. Doran had put Oberyn in charge of the preparations to host the king and his party and had demanded Ellaria, Trystane, Daenerys to help him through it.

The next day Martells had a family dinner they hadn't had one since his little brother went to Essos plus announcements needed to be made and duties/tasks to be shared.

The dining room was a large space with a long dark wood table and big windows in one side from which one could overlook Sunspear and the big central fountain outlined by the greenness of the trees. It was the room the family gathered in for special occasions thought they had nothing to celebrate being there all together was a celebration by itself, for it was a rare event.

After everyone had begun to eat their meal and were happily chatting amongst themselves, Doran has taken his seat at the head of the table cleared his throat and waited for his family to quiet down. "The king and royal family will be paying us a visit soon. We will hostand the a tourney on prince's honor, to be held in Sunspear on his name day, which means the whole royal family will be staying with us for some time." Doran stated. He noticed the sand snakes whispering and giggling to each-other. "I expect all of you to behave as true Martells" he added giving the sand snakes a warning look.

"Oh, we will behave for sure," Obara smirked and the Sands, save for Daenerys, giggled.

As dinner continued, Doran was carefully watching everyone's behavior. "In

two days time, I will be leaving to Yronwood on important business, therefore I can't see to all necessary preparations to welcome the king. Oberyn, you will see to everything necessary and I want you to include Daenerys and Trystane in your preparations. Keep in mind the king should have his best time here. Friends or enemies we should show them Dornish hospitality, and as long as they are here I want no fights or arguments with any of them" he says looking at Oberyn.

"They say the Prince is quite handsome and that he has giant white wolf as a pet" "There aren't 'giant wolves', they're called direwolves. And they haven't been seen south of the wall for centuries. He likely has a regular sized wolf and the fools spreading the rumors haven't seen a real wolf." corrected Dany.

"Here comes the bookworm." mocked Nymeria.

"I've heard people call him the wolf prince" Elia said in wonderment.

Obara smirked, and whispered "I wonder what he can do in a full moon?" "Oooo..ou ..ouuuuu! " howled Sarella. The girls giggled.

"Hey, what's this behavior?" reproached Oberyn.

"If you plan to act like this when the Targaryens come, then your father shouldn't have summoned you." continued Doran.

"I think I should put the little ones to bed, they don't have to hear this." Ellaria huffed, agitated with the older girl's behavior.

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