In quest for mother

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Yesterday's conversation with her father had been somewhat of a disappointment, as he'd refused to tell her what she wanted to know about her mother. It wasn't a complete failure, however, because she was quite proud of herself for finally mustering up the courage to confront him and stand up for herself. In addition to avoiding being caught and punished for her frequent disappearances, she'd managed to turn the tables on her father by delivering a clear message - no longer would she be the obedient, subservient daughter confined to the tower. No, she was going to live her life, freely. Maybe the "trial" father had prepared wasn't such a bad thing after all.

It was beautiful morning and she had woke up with a clear mind of what she wanted and nothing would stand on her way to reach that goal. No more waiting or asking politely. She got herself ready quite fast, putting on a bright yellow dress and plaiting two braids on either side of her head. By the time the maid came to help her get ready as usual, she was already done. Dany ordered the maid to bring her breakfast in the garden. The table under the lemon tree terrace was her favorite place to eat, especially when they were blooming and the scent of the flowers filled the air.

Ellaria, Trystane, and her little sisters joined her not long after. She broke her fast on olive bread and cheese, cherry tomatoes and blood oranges. Feeling famished, she ate her meal quickly and by the time her father came to join she was done. "Good Morning! I see you are eating outside today." said Doran who came together with Mellario "Join us brother!... I didn't know the morning under the lemon trees could be so pleasant." replied Oberyn as they sat. "Oh they are" said Doran, winking at Dany which earned him a smile. She used to eat there when she had been a ward to him years ago and Doran knew it was her favorite place to have breakfast as he and Trystane had joined her many times.

"Did you sleep well uncle?" she asked as Mellario and Ellaria begin to chat between them while Oberyn was whispering something to Trystane.

"I slept well."

"Good to hear. I hope you have some time for me later, I have a matter to discuss with you" she said almost whispering.

"You know I always make time for my niece," said Doran with a soft smile.

Daenerys smiled in return, having already drafted her written request to be Doran's ward again. She had the best time in his court, and liked to make herself useful. Even in Sunspear, she'd helped lady Alyse, the treasurer and maester Myle with their tasks but helping Doran was another thing, above all it had a great benefit for her, which was staying in the Water Gardens away from the Tower of Sun and her father's control and also if help was needed in the nearby villages she could easily slip past the guards.

Later she found herself in the audience hall waiting. The room was much smaller than the throne room in the Tower of Sun in which the audiences with the people were held daily. Here was the place where lords and other high borns usually came to ask the prince for solutions to their problems. It didn't have a real throne but a large seat and desk for the Prince along with numerous chairs on each side of the room for the guests. The walls were covered in colorful tiles, with geometric motifs and had no curtains, allowing for the natural light to float in, undisturbed. Dany gave Doran the letter as soon as he sat at his table. He accepted her request with no hesitation and asked her to help with the custom registrars of Planky Town and other minor harbors, a task which Dany happily accepted.

Unfortunately this meant she would have to go back to Sunspear and receive copies of the registrars, but she would be here in no time for she had no intention to stay there under her father's nose however it would be worth it, if it meant to find what she was looking for.

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