Chaper one

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Hey this is a really bad story I wrote in 2018 just a warning if you wish to continue to ahead but there's also no ending so like idk/

Keith's was in the training hall for a good three hours, he would normally keep training for a longer period of time but he started to feel nauseous.

Keith walked throughout the halls making his way slowly to his room the nausea getting worse it got to the point where he could hardly stand.

Keith made it to his room he closed the door behind him and sad down the nausea turning in to a headache.

The pain only intensified Keith covered his eyes from the light of the dimly lit room. Not long after Keith uncovered his eyes, keeping them squinted and got up slowly, walking over to the obnoxiously bright bathroom, Keith turned on the sink watching the water slowly poor out of the tap as he the splashed his face with some water. the migraine like feeling had slowly disappearing fading to the back of his head.

'I'm just going to get some sleep, I am most likely just tired.' The boy with jet black hair said to himself as he walked over to his perfectly made bed; flopped down messing up the sheets and rolling around some falling asleep not long after.

Pidge sat in her seat with her legs swung over one of the arm rests, and back facing the other with her arms behind her head. after staring at a wall for a bit she turned over and sat up straight looked around at the others who were all in the cockpit of the castle of lions.
"hey guys? Have you seen Keith?"
Pidge asked as only Allura and Shiro turned to face her while lance and Hunk were fighting over the confederate seat.
"I haven't seen him all day."
Allura said as her pointer finger was on her bottom lip in thought.
"He was in the training hall last time I saw him." Shiro with his arms crossed
"Oh ok." Pidge said as her one question was now answered she went back to being bored, this time swinging her legs over the back of the chair; head hanging off the seat as she stared at the ceiling.

A yellow eye glowed with a Black background it flashed than disappeared, soon a glarian like silhouette appeared than faded in to the background. This image repeated in Keith's mind over and over till his subconscious woke him. Keith moved his legs off his bed and sat hunched over, he thought for a bit before soon slowly getting up and went back to his bathroom. first Keith washed his face with some cold water than looked in to the mirror. Keith screamed some and fell back knocking over his tooth brush, and hit the back wall making a loud thump, that echoed through the halls.

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