Chapter three

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"Oh, hey Keith! Want some
Food?" Hunk asked as he shoved some goo in to his mouth; Oblivious to Keith's appearance, too focused on the surprisingly good green goo.

Keith stood there stuck in place as he stood at the door, and watched hunk for a bit before unfreezing. " I'm ok...I'll grab my own food." Keith said as he went and grabbed food, then walked to the metal doorway.

"Keith, something is different, why are you wearing your helmet?" Hunk asked as he put the plate down and looked at him, crossing his arms suspicious.

Keith turned around and looked at when hunk he knew he could trust hunk. Did he? Yes. Hunk was the most nice team member after all. Keith hesitantly took off his helmet and then held it under his arm.
"Can we keep this a secret...?" He asked with more hesitation.

Hunk looked at Keith jaw dropped, and eyes wide"Aa....aa - GA-" Hunk was just off by Keith putting his hand over hunks mouth.
"Shhhh don't tell the others..please" Keith pleaded.

Hunk stood there for a minute in shock trying to process the 'new' Keith. "...ughh ok? yeah I won't tell the others but how do iu expect them not to notice?" Hunk asked
As he went to touch Keith's ear slowly as Keith batted his hand away.

"Don't touch me." Keith said
"I will figure something out..." Keith added as he crossed his arms.

"So you are just going to hide until you decide to tell them? You know Allura will hate you. You are now a Galra the race that killed her father .. she's going to want you off the team." Hunk said out loud as Keith stomach dropped at the thought, hunk looked back at Keith mortified expression.
"Oh sorry did I say that out loud?"
Hunk said as he scrambled some words together.
"pfftt dont listen to me..  Allura will be happy? I think" Hunk said as he raised his shoulders In confusion to his own statement.
Keith shook his head "don't lie to me..." Keith said in almost a whisper.
"I'm going back to my room.." Keith said as he walked out of the room holding the plate as hunk waved 'bye' to him.

Keith walked down the halls, and over to his room when he noticed that his door was open. Keith went up against the wall and peeked through the open door in to his room that was still a mess. he looked around first at the bed and walls then when he didn't see anyone he walked in putting the plate on a side table. "must have just left the door open.." Keith said as he then heard his name being called.

"Hey mullet? Shiro is looking for you."lance said as he approached the still wide open door.

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