Chapter two

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Keith hit the back wall making a loud thump, the sound echoed throughout the labyrinths of halls until it reached the ears of Coran and the others. They all stopped what they were doing and looked in the direction that the sound came from sceptical.

"what was that?" Coran  asked while he twirled his beautiful orange moustache as lance got up out of the comfortable seat: Hunk then immediately taking the chance he lunched forwards landing spot on the seat.
"HEY!" Lance said angered: Hunk completely ignoring lance "probably just Keith." Hunk said as he smiled innocent at lance when the blue eyed boy frowned at him, crossing his arms.
"I'll go make sure everything is ok." Shiro said as he looked at the others, they all nodded than continued what they were doing. Shiro walked out of the room Down the long halls to Keith's room.

Keith sat with his back to the wall, he was breathing heavily as he slowly lifted his hand touching the now cat like ears he flinched and the sat stiff on the dusty floor.

Shiro approached Keith's door quite slowly than knocked
"Hey Keith is everything ok?" Shiro asked.

Keith quickly standing up than walking to the door and locking it.
"Ugh..y.yeah everything is fine.." Keith said though it could barely be heard through the door

"Ok then, just making sure." Shiro said as the then walked off back to the others.

Keith sighed as he slid down the door on to the floor one again. 'What am I going to do..?' Keith thought to himself. 'I can't let the others see me like this..' he continued to think.

Shiro soon walked back to the others "he's fine." He said to the others as he went and stood at the window.

//time skip\\

By this point Keith was starting to grow hungry, more so than he was in his human form. Eventually Keith decided that he would sneak off to the kitchen to grab something to eat, he hated the feeling of hunger.
The now purple and covered in fuzz Keith threw on his Paladin armour and helmet, just incase he was spotted no one would be able to see his face unless of course they looked directly at him.

Hunk decided to finally give up the chair, rolling off it on to the floor as he stood up and rubbed his hands together "I'm going to go make food, anyone want some?" Hunk asked as he turned around to face the others as they all said yes because who doesn't love hunks cooking.

Keith walked out of his room as he hugged the wall, flinching every time he heard a sound. Keith crept down the halls making as little noise as possible.

Hunk walked In the the kitchen and began preparing the space goo.

Some time later Keith finally got to the kitchen when he came face to face with hunk.

"Oh, hey Keith! Want some
Food?" Hunk asked as he shoved some goo in to his mouth Oblivious to Keith's appearance, too focused on the surprisingly good green goo.

Keith stood there stuck in place as he stood at the door.

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