Chapter six

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Keith walked Down the dreadful halls a knot in his stomach as he approached the door to the cockpit of the ship. He made up his mind he was going to tell the others.. and if they do t accept him then who cares.. he can just run off then..

Keith opened the door, he kept his head down and but then looked up to the others staring at him, his heart was racing 'why is no one saying anything? Why won't they move...' he thought to himself as Shiro walked up to him
"Is this why you have been in your room for the passed two weeks?" Shiro asked quietly as he examined Keith's now purple skin.
Keith stood still for a moment when lance came up to him and started touching his ears Keith smacked lances hand
"Y..yeah.. please don't kick-me-off-the-team.." Keith said his words jumbled together at the end.
Allura looked at Keith and frowned she was having a hard time processing this.
Shiro looked at Keith and laughed a bit
"Why would you be kicked off of the team? Your still the same Keith," he said crossing his arms as coran went up to them and looked at Keith "do you know what happened here?" Coran asked seriously
"No I just... woke up like-this." Keith said quietly
"Well we should get to examining! Let's find out why now your galra half decided to shine!" Coran said
Hunk who already knew went over to allura "hey allura are you ok?" He asked as she looked at him "ugh.. I'm just having a hard time..
Processing all this..." she said as Keith looked over to her and frowned he then looked away when pidge came and hugged him
"Oh hey so your not dead after all! Oh amazing it's like your human appearance swapped places with your galra half-" pidge  said poking his cheeks but Keith said nothing he just stood there as allura walked up to him "ugh well this
Is definitely going to take some... getting used to.." she said as Keith smiled a bit he worried for nothing, he was happy that he was accepted, though still wanted to find out why.

Later that day-

Coran made Keith sit on the hospital bed thing as he did some checking up
"I know what happened,
Unfortunately there's no way to reverse it but basically this is why you look galra now is because—-

//it's been four years I'm not going to finish this story now lmao

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