Ch. 1: What the Elf?

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"Attention: The Chicago Airport has been hit by a Class 50 Blizzard

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"Attention: The Chicago Airport has been hit by a Class 50 Blizzard. We are experiencing winds of over 300 miles per hour and a negative 200-degree wind chill. There is absolutely NO WAY anyone— let alone a last minute romantic proposal— is going to get through."

Christmas carols echoed through the airport, and outside the glass a winter storm raged. Sutton pulled her expensive, fur-lined jacket up to her diamond necklace, and cast a dramatic hand up to her brow.

He wasn't coming. No one could make it through this storm.

"Sutton," A distant voice echoed through the airport. "Sutton, wait!"

Sutton spun, diamond bedazzled wrist going to ruby-red lips.

Cam, her five-years-of-waiting-will-he-won't-he-boyfriend rode through the airport, parting crowds from the back of a real-life reindeer. A chorus of carolers appeared out of nowhere, singing at the top of their lungs, while mistletoe sprang from the ceiling.

Could it be? A true Christmas miracle?

Cam vaulted off the reindeer, executed a perfect flip, and landed on one knee with a small box held open in front of it.

The whole world watched as he opened it and said, "Excuse me miss, could I interest you in complementary couples champagne and chocolate?"


Sutton jerked, suddenly waking to an flight attendant dressed with a green dress, santa hat and pointy shoes.

What the elf?

"Your seats come with a complimentary couple's champagne and chocolates? For your couples week...end... " She seemed to suddenly realize that no one was sitting next to Sutton, her face moving from one of christmas cheer to something more akin to an elf being poisoned.

Sutton sighed and wondered what the flight attendant would think if she told her exactly why she was sitting here alone. Three nights ago Cam, her boyfriend of five years, had asked her out to Denny's, and after Sutton had ordered the Grand Slam, he grand-slammed her with the news that he wanted to be able to "explore things" with his sluttly secretary he'd assured her multiple times he had no interest in. They'd been dating since freshman year of college, so of course he decided to dump her right before their all-expense paid romantic Christmas getaway.

And now she was getting judged by an elf.

"Ummm," Sutton said, sitting up and trying to put her bright red-hair into some sort of order. Her pale skin felt flushed from sleep, and she bet that her dusting of freckles stood out even brighter than normal. She turned to the flight attendant and cleared her throat, sitting straight. "I'll take both glasses. And the chocolate too." The plane somehow smelled like old laundry and coffee— or maybe that was just her? She resisted the urge to sniff her clothes.

"Of course, dear..." The flight attendant set the chocolates down like she were feeding a wild animal. "Enjoy."

Sutton popped two chocolates in her mouth as she pulled out her notebook, and turned it so violently to a new page she nearly ripped out a page.

Good. The old story was crap anyways.

First thing she was going to do was replace the lead romantic interest; a whiny, selfish character who clearly didn't know what he had till he lost it. Time for some new men.

Just in the story though.

Sutton kept popping chocolates into her mouth, doodling in the margins and waiting for some inkling of inspiration to hit her. She'd been writing "The Christmas Jewel" for almost a year, but somehow she felt like this trip was finally going to help her crack it.

"We're approaching the resort now," the Captain's voice sounded over the intercom. "If you look out your window you should be able to see the ski slopes and the Christmas themed village."

Sutton abandoned the story and lifted the blind, suddenly dazzled by the blinding light of sunlight of snow-capped mountains as far as you could see. The mountain was lined with ski lifts and trails, and glowing at the base was the picture perfect snow mountain. Despite everything, she smiled.

Who needed a stupid man?

She deserved this break, and as her best friend Lia had said, "Go enjoy the snow, write your story and have a quiet, peaceful Christmas completely Man-free."

Right. Man-free.

What could possibly go wrong?

(Please don't forget to comment and vote if you enjoyed! Do you guys like Emma Stone as Sutton? I love her as an actress <3 Let me know what you think about the two other love interests I have in the cast list ;)

and now, Onward!)

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