Ch. 6: The Grandfather Clock

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Sutton pushed open the door of the diner, the bell tickling overhead

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Sutton pushed open the door of the diner, the bell tickling overhead. She looked around and felt a surge of disappointment. Marius wasn't here. Oh well, she had said told him she was going to be busy skiing all day.

"Hey hon, can I get you a booth again?" A waitress with a white apron over a green and red Christmas dress came out from the back. She was carrying a brown paper bag and coffee already made that someone must have ordered.

"Umm, no. I accidentally left a notebook here last night."

"Oh no. Sorry hon, I haven't seen it."

The bell tickled from behind her, but Sutton was lost in a panic. That notebook had a whole year's worth of ideas and work! Somehow she was sure that Marius would be here with it...

"Perhaps this is what you're looking for?"

Sutton spun. Marius stood behind her, a few flakes on snow in his curling brown hair, and he held the notebook in his hands

"I found it after you left, and tried to run after you, but you were gone."

Sutton took the book and clutched it to her chest. "Thank you so much... I honestly don't know how to thank you."

Marius gave her a warm smile and then reached over the counter, dropping what looked like a hundred to the waitress, and picked up the brown bag.

"I'm going to eat breakfast in one of my favorite places. Care to join me?"

"Um.... sure. That would be great. " Sutton said.

Marius held the door open, and then together they made their way across the square filled with little shops and restaurants. As they walked to the main lodge, an enormous building with spectacular floor to ceiling windows, Marius asked her what she thought about the Christmas themed village.

"It's beautiful. The perfect place to write," she said as they came to the main lodge. The largest window displayed a three-story high Christmas tree. Sutton had heard there was even a small ballroom decorated with hundreds of real-life Christmas trees.

"So are you here with anyone?" Marius asked, and again held the door to the lodge open for her. She felt a little heat in her cheeks, almost daring to ask why he wanted to know.

But instead she replied, "Nope, just me. I had hoped to finish my story while I was here. Get some writing done in the peace and quiet. But to be honest the peace and quiet is maybe just a little too..."

"Peaceful and Quiet?" he said with that soft smile and light in his eyes.

Sutton laughed. "Exactly."

He led them to the grand staircase, for a moment his hand touching the small of her back, and her heart beating faster. Then they made their way upstairs. She glanced over her shoulder, realizing that as they'd walked through the square, Sunglasses had been following them from afar. Now he stood at the base of the stairs, trying to look discrete and completely failing.

"So, umm, did you come with anyone here?"

Marius followed Sutton gaze, his smile fading a bit. "Ah, you noticed him?"

"Kind of hard not to."

"Well... my family can be a bit ... over-protective."

Sutton didn't know what to say. But Marius wasn't looking behind, only ahead. "Ahh, we're here!"

They had come to the second floor, which was largely abandoned. There was beautiful views of the mountains, and scattered cozy couches, and a fireplace. But they stood at the top of the stairs before an enormous and ancient-looking grandfather clock.

Marius stared at it like someone might stare at a beautiful, complicated painting.

"So... where are we?" Sutton asked, somewhat confused.

"The Grandfather Clock. A place of great mystery. Where all Christmas mysteries and magic happen," his voice dropped into a low, mysterious tone, but there was a slight, teasing smile on his face. Sutton turned to look closer at the clock. It was beautiful, made from a slick, dark wood, and among all the other bright Christmas decorations, it stood apart, almost timeless. Only a bauble of mistletoe hung above it.

"Forgive me. Please sit." Marius then gestured to the bench across from the clock. After they'd sat, he offered her a scone from the bag. 

"Your story, what is it about?" he asked. Sutton smiled, and started to explain the story, and it wasn't long before she was talking about her home, school, and why she'd come here alone. Though he was unrelentingly well-spoken and polite, it wasn't long before Sutton had him laughing and smiling, and talking about his own family. Sutton was surprised to learn that he had been largely raised by nannies and tutors, and at a boarding school.

"I used to ask my parents if I could go to boarding school," Sutton said with a smile.

"Really? I didn't know that was a common practice among Americans."

"It's not. I wanted to go to Hogwarts."

Marius laughed, and Sutton felt a pleasant warmth like that of sitting before a fire. She liked making him laugh, his bright blue eyes seemed to shine ever brighter. Finally Marius leaned back in the chair, and turned to look at the clock.

"I have to admit, that there is one more reason I had hoped you would come to breakfast with me."

"Oh, and what is that?" Sutton asked, intrigued and mystified.

But at that moment Sunglasses appeared. "I'm sorry sir, but you're late for an urgent appointment with-"

Marius held up a hand, and Sunglasses fell silent. Marius turned to Sutton and then stood.

"Once again I must beg your forgiveness. It's much too easy to lose track of time with you. But perhaps this is best. I find the magic of the clock is best experienced at night. Will you meet me here at midnight? There is something I need your help with."

Sutton hesitated. "I will try."

Marius lifted her hand, and brought it to his lips. Sutton felt her heart stutter at the brush of his lips. "And I will wait all night."

Marius and Sunglasses made their way back down the stairs. Sutton stared after him, and then suddenly realized something.

She had told Wyatt she would meet him at midnight.

And now Marius.

What in the world had she got herself into?

And who would she choose?

This was shaping up to be a curious Christmas indeed.

(Oh boy, Sutton's got a hard decision to make coming up! ;D Don't forget to vote, comment and come back tomorrow for the next chapter!! )

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