Ch. 8: Let it Snow

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The lights lit the mountain, and there were only a few other skiers out this late

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The lights lit the mountain, and there were only a few other skiers out this late. The few that Sutton passed were done for the night and heading back to theirs cabins or the main lodge. Her skis glided over the fresh snow. She was late and worried that he wouldn't be there.

But then she saw him, his back to her, standing under the glow of one of the light poles. The snow dusted his black jacket. She felt a small thrill run up her spine at seeing him.


He was wearing the same hat from yesterday, the only difference was tonight he was strapped to a snowboard. She decided she wouldn't hold it against him as she skied to his side. When he turned, his lopsided smile made her stomach clench.

"Thought you were gonna chicken out," his smile was infectious.

"And mess up my perfect record of defeating you? No way!"

He laughed, "Well we better hurry. They're about to shut down the lift. I bribed my buddy to keep it open."

Sutton narrowed her eyes as they made their way over to the lift. "This isn't the same buddy who you were racing the other day, is it?"

Wyatt winked at her, "How do you think I guilted him into helping me out?"

They made there way over to the lift. Wyatt's friend was nowhere in sight, but the lift was still running.

"You sure we should go?" Sutton asked, a bit hesitant. There was always someone manning the lift, in case you dropped your pole or ski.

"Yah, it's totally fine," Wyatt said, and he and Sutton caught the lift. It was one of the large chairs, with enough space for five people, but they sat close enough that their legs touched. Sutton smiled as she looked out over the mountain. The snow fell in slow, fat flakes, and over it all the moon shown bright, making the snow almost glow. The perfect romantic night.

Wyatt seemed unusually quiet, but he suddenly turned to her, and Sutton realized he had been waiting to say something.

"Sutton, look, I just wanted to say-"

The lift lurched to a stop.

Wyatt looked up in surprise, then turned to look down at the base of the mountain.

"What were you saying?" Sutton asked, but the moment was broken.

"Oh, ummm, just that I'm going to beat you down the mountain."

But that was obviously not what he'd been planning to say. He stared down at the base of the mountain, his brow furrowed.

"Everything okay?" Sutton asked. She turned back, but couldn't make out the bottom of the mountain anymore. They were about halfway up.

"Umm, yah," but he was slow answering. "My buddy's prolly just playing a joke on me. Should be going in a second."

But then the lights on the mountain suddenly flickered out.

Sutton and Wyatt's eyes both met, both wide as they realized the romantic night had suddenly changed into a very different situtation.

They were stuck on the mountain.

On a ski lift.

In the middle of the night. 

(Oh no! Not quite the romantic gesture we were hoping for, but don't worry, the final chapter is just after this!

And finally, Please don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed! 

Best, Hannah)

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