Ch. 4: As You Wish

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"What the heck is your problem?!" Sutton yelled, spitting out snow. She had slid so far down the slope she couldn't even see the lights from the other run. It was going to take forever to hike back up.

And where were her skis?

Oh great. Perfect. Both her skis had come off, and slid even further down the mountain, almost out of site. Sutton understood now why the slope was unlit; it was steep and led down the other side of the mountain, and without the lights the forest seemed dark and almost mysterious, like from some enchanted fairy-tale.

The person who had hit her hadn't gone nearly as far, and in the dark she couldn't make out his face. "You okay?" he called down.

"No!" Sutton yelled back.

"What's wrong?"

"An idiot just ran into me!"

Sutton started sliding down the slope towards her skis.

"Sorry about that!" he called out again.  "I'll come down and help you! Just stay there."

Sutton ignored him, continuing to slide down the mountain. She slid up to one of her poles.

"I was racing a pal, and no one ever takes this track," he called down to me. "I usually snow board, and I just got these skis, not quite used to them yet."

Of course he usually snow boarded. Snowboarders were THE WORST. Why is it everytime they get off the lift they have to create a line straight across the mountain to put their boots on? It's called being considerate.

"Yah, well maybe you shouldn't race if you suck," Sutton muttered as she kept sliding down the mountain. She heard the snap as he popped his ski back on, and then the slick noise of him skiing down to meet her.

"Look, I really am sorry, are you okay?" He stopped in front of Sutton, halting her progress, and Sutton stopped dead.

This was so not happening.

His hair was wild in that annoying messy way only boys seemed to pull off, and filled with snow. But even worse, he was annoyingly good-looking, right down to the crooked, cocky grin.

Two men in one day.

It was like the Christmas Fates were trying to kill her.

"I'm fine," Sutton said, trying to turn on her heel and stride away from him. Unfortunately her exit was ruined by the fact that she was wearing heavy ski boots, the slope was steep and dark, and her skis were further down the mountain. He easily followed.

"Listen, my names Wyatt. I really am sorry. How about I grab your skis and hike them back up to you?"

"I'm perfectly capable of getting my own skis."

He shrugged, and Sutton continued to slide on her butt until she finally got to her first ski. She looked back up the mountain.

If was going to take forever to hike back up.

It was like he could read her mind.

"The moon's bright tonight," Wyatt said, again with that handsome, lopsided grin. "And I've been down this run tons of times in the dark. There's a cat track at the bottom that takes you right back to the lift. It's really beautiful at night. If you followed me I could lead you back."

Finally, Sutton secured her second ski, slamming her boot down into place and standing up.

"Sooo.... are you going to tell me your name?" Wyatt flashed a smile that Sutton was sure had worked on hundreds of girls before.

Sutton rolled her eyes. "I'm Sutton." This had better not become a thing.

"Anything I can do to make it up to you Sutton?" He leaned forward a bit, again using that incorrigible smile.

Sutton paused, and then gave a wicked smile in return. She turned her skiis, and then slid down the slope until she was almost ski to ski with Wyatt. His eyes held a glint of mischief in the moonlight, and he grinned as she leaned in closer to him, so that the white clouds of their breath mingled.

"Actually there is one thing you could do," Sutton dropped her voice. He smiled wider, his face half confused, half intrigued.

"Close your eyes," she whispered.

He did.

Sutton put both hands on his shoulders and pushed hard. "And watch where you're skiing!!" she yelled as he gave a surprised cry.

He toppled over once for real, but then continued to roll in dramatic fashion. Sutton was about to turn and hike back up the slope when he yelled out, "AS YOoOOOOoooUUUU WIIIIISSSHHHH."

Was that a Princess Bride reference? Sutton stopped.

She looked back at the distance light at the top of the slopes and then down at Wyatt.




But....It was a really, really long hike up dark mountain versus a beautiful ski run through powdered snow. And she had just pushed him down the mountain. She at least owed it to him to see if he were okay.

She turned her skis and followed Wyatt down the mountain.

"I can't believe you would push over a defenseless man." Wyatt said in mock indignation when she'd reached him. "I would have much preferred a kiss."

"Oh see, I was about to kiss you, but I have this rule. I can only kiss men who haven't crashed into me and pushed me halfway down a mountain."

Wyatt laughed, standing up in a slick motion and shaking his head like a dog. Snow went everywhere. He undid the top of his jacket, shaking out snow, and Sutton noticed the rough stubble across his chin.

"Well, that's a shame for me," he winked, and Sutton was shocked to feel her cheeks burn. She hoped he couldn't notice in the dark.

"How bout this," he lifted his pole and pointed down the dark run. "You beat me down this run, I buy you dinner and drinks. I win," he gave a devious grin, "You give me that kiss for real."

"Well considering I don't want either of those things, sounds like a lose-lose for me." Sutton said, but even as she said it, she tossed her hair over the back of her jacket and lifted her chin to meet his eyes.

He grinned, his eyes catching the light of the moon, his smile infectious. "Oh so you think you're gonna lose?"

Sutton leaned forward and pointed her skis down the slope. "Well, I hope you brought your wallet Wyatt, because I'm starving." 

And she took off down the slope. 

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Now to start the rivalry, are you #TeamWyatt of #TeamMarius ? Let the discussions and arguments begin XD


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