Ch. 13, Through the clouds and snow

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"Would you care for a ride, my lady?" Marius said when she approached. Today he was wearing black trousers, and a leather jacket, and it seemed almost unfair he looked so good in something so simple.

"I, um, thought we were driving?" Stop talking Sutton! When a handsome, super nice guy asks you to go for a ride in a helicopter, your only response should be HECK YES!

But Marius just smiled, the edges of his eyes crinkling. "The pilot is going to be flying up some guests for the ball tomorrow, so he said he'd take us up today for a practice run."

"Practice run?" Sutton's voice went a little higher. 

Marius laughed, "It's perfectly safe. And you'll never see a view like this again. Have you ever flown?"

In a helicopter? Oh sure, tons of times, right before my family sailed through the Bermuda Triangle and then dined on top of the pyramids. "Errm, no," Sutton said, as he helped her to climb inside and get situated with the seatbelts and headsets. The blades began to spin, and Sutton's stomach tightened, both exhilarated and terrified. 

"I've heard helicopter crash landings are notoriously difficult to survive," Sutton shouted as they began to rise, "I researched it for a story. No survivors." She swallowed, heart pounding so fast it seemed like it was trying to race the blades. "In the story, I mean."

Marius just grinned, and then reached out and took her hand. Suddenly the rising altitude wasn't the only reason her stomach was all twisted in knots. In all the time they'd spent together the last few days, he hadn't tried to kiss her once. Not once! Sutton got the impression he was very proper, but a girl could only stand so much. 

The helicopter rose higher, and Sutton suddenly forgot everything expect for the view from the window. She watched as the mountain town below receded, till it became so small it looked like a Christmas village in a store window. Then the helicopter surged forward, until only trees capped in snow and stunning mountains surrounded them. She took a deep breath and squeezed Marius's hand, barely able to believe she was in a helicopter, off to a castle to attend a ball she'd helped plan, all with a handsome man at her side. 

Sure, he hadn't tried to kiss her--yet--but at the beginning of this trip Sutton had said she wanted a, relaxing, non-dramatic, man-free Christmas. Maybe it was time she threw out the plan, and just went with the flow. 

And if a kiss found it's way into that flow, well then, wouldn't that be a nice surprise?


Marius leaned sideways, his breath warm in her ear as he said over the thrum of the blades, "There is it! The castle!"

Sutton turned, and had to blink twice before she realized what she saw was real, and not, in fact, some sort of spectacular daydream. There, rising from the mountain itself, straight from some Disney fairytale, was a castle with tall, elegant spires, gleaming through the snow and clouds. As the flew closer Sutton was able to make out more details, like the tops of the spires painted in blue, and flags flying in the wind. 

"We're going to land in the courtyard," Marius called out, and Sutton nodded, unable to tear her eyes away for even a moment.

This was the castle Marius was charged with keeping?!

It was HUGE. No huge wasn't a big enough. It was ginormous? Was that even a word? 

The helicopter sank lower and lower, and finally bumped into the cobblestones, and Marius helped Sutton climb out. A grin filled his face, as he took her hand. "I can't wait for you to meet everyone getting the ball ready for tomorrow. Everyone's so excited to... meet... you..."

Marius's voice faded. He stared as a tall, imposing looking woman strode out from a pair of arched doorways set into the castle. Marius suddenly stood straighter and Sutton tried to flatten her now wild hair. Who was this woman? 

"Sutton," Marius cleared his throat, suddenly sounding more formal than she'd ever heard him. "May I introduce you to my mother, the Countess Brontiem?" 

(Oh snap! Let me know what you thought of the chapter :D Also Please don't forget to vote, comment and share if you enjoyed!

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Thanks so much for reading. Hope you all have a lovely holiday season and a Merry Christmas! New chapter coming very soon!) 

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