Chapter One

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It's been two years.

Two years since my father died.

Two years since Celeste, Queen Amberly, and King Clarkson were shot.

Two years since Maxon Shreave held the selection to find his wife.

Two years since Maxon became King.

Two years since Maxon picked the one.

Two years since Maxon picked me.

Maxon picked me to be the queen. Maxon picked me to be his wife. Maxon picked me to be the mother of his children. He picked me. And I picked him.

It's been a little less than two years since Maxon and I actually got married. In about two months to be exact. It has been amazing. To describe my life now in one word it would be close to paradise. I get to wake wake up every morning in Maxon's strong arms to be showered by his kisses.

My days are always surprises. Some days I'm planning events for visiting countries. Some days I'm attending events other countries are hosting for us. Some days consist of paperwork and other of long days in the women's room. I often get visits from the other girls from the selection and my family. Sometimes, these visits remind me of the things I lost when I became a member of the selection. Like a normal life, privacy, or lots of people surrounding me. Maxon does fill these holes with surprises, though. He'll find me and we'll go for a walk i the gardens or a visit to the roof. And some day I'm alone. I'll find a nice, cozy spot in the palace and just enjoy a good book. Some days I'm creative and I'll paint or draw. On other days, I enjoy looking at Maxon's photograph's. And, of course, I practice my music.

At night, I get to fall asleep in Maxon's arms with the lingering feeling of his kisses on my lips. And then, I wake up again the next day and repeat this cycle. I've done this cycle for days. Weeks. Months. For well, two years

Many say I've got everything a girl could wish for: diamonds, jewels, fancy clothes, a palace.

Or at least the people outside of the castle would call it that. To me, this palace is too big. Too fancy. Too lonely.

A lonely castle.

This is many girl's dreams. But it was never mine. The clothes, jewels, and palace still aren't what I want.  My dream is to the lover of my life—Maxon Shreave. To raise his children. To have the sound of children's—my children's—laughter fill these normally empty halls. To hear the pitter-patter of our children's feet as they run up and down the halls, exploring deserted rooms. To be woken at night because of my child's crying. To have to take the extra time to search for monsters under the bed when I tuck in my children.

It's not that Maxon or I want children, but it's the fact that we don't think we're ready. I've had people ask me the last year and and a half when there will be a royal baby but I tell them that it will be a while. But now, I feel ready.

I'm ready to have children.


I easy my eyes open and fight off the yawns that threaten to leave me and could possibly wake Maxon. It is challenging at this hour to keep the sleep from taking me captive.

I pry open Maxon's arms, slip out from under the sheets, and put on a robe and slippers. I tip-toe into the bathroom and and draw my bath. It's still dark in our room. It's about 6:30 A.M. and the sun is just making its daily arrival. I keep the blinds down so I don't wake Maxon up and scurry over to my wardrobe. I find a day dress and hurry back to the bathroom. There, I can see that my dress is white with red roses on it.

I quickly take a bath, put on my normal make up, and put on the dress. I brush my hair, leaving it to hang loose, and walk out of the bathroom. I know my maids will be upset that they don't get to dress me. I know they will be even more upset that I used their beautiful masterpiece so simply. I wear no jewelry, except for my wedding ring. Then, I quickly put on a red shaw and red flats. The same worn-out red flats that I wore on the first day of the selection.

I hurry out of our bedroom and travel down to the kitchen. When I arrive, I find Chef Hughes, clearly tired, turning on the stoves. I'm just in to time to stop him from making breakfast.

"Good morning, Chef Hughes," I say. He turns around, obviously surprised a visit from the queen.

"Good morning, lady America," he says as he bows. "To whom do I owe the honor of your presence?"

"Um, Actually, I was hoping I could prepare king Maxon's breakfast. You wouldn't have to do anything. You can just have a few hours off and get a head start with our other meals," I say.

Thanks so much about reading this! I hope you enjoyed it! Please tell me about any mistakes and also comment what you think!

Also check out my Divergent High School story called City of Chicago high!

Disclaimer: I don't own The Selection series.


Hi! So if you are currently reading this, I will inform you that I am currently rewriting this story so it moves at a better pace and has a better storyline. Thank you so much for reading my story!

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