Chapter Three

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I quickly hurry down to the women's room. I open the door and am greeted by the scent of tea. In the middle of the room sits Kenna, Kriss, and Elise chatting and taking sips of tea.

"Good morning, ladies," I say, upon entering. I walk over to the table and sit down.

"Good morning, America. We were just discussing plans for Astra's birthday," Kenna says. I reach across the table and grab a tea cup and pour in some of the tea. I add some sugar as well.

"I can't believe Astra is already two," I remark.

"Well, these have been quite an exciting couple of years lately," Elise says.

"Yes, well. We've all been waiting for some other exciting events," Kriss says. I look over at her, knowing exactly what she's referencing. The others seem confused. It's amazing how easily Kriss has gotten over Maxon.

"What do you mean, Kriss?" Elise asks.

"I mean, why don't we have Astra a cousin in here, playing with toys and such?" Kriss asks. I give her a death glare. They all know that I hate discussing my love life with them, but they constantly beg me to give them more details.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I simply retort, feigning cluelessness.

"America, why haven't you and Maxon had a child yet? The entire country has been waiting on a royal baby!" Kriss exclaims. Her excitement on this subject almost makes me choke on my tea. I go into a coughing a fit and they all burst into laughter.

"I refuse to tell you any details of my love life," I say, hoping that my usual attitude is obvious. I know these girls, though. They will continue to ask me questions like this until I spill.

"America, please tell us!" Elise says with puppy dog eyes. I look over at Kenna, hoping to get some help from her but she instead just sits there and laughs. I give all three of them another death glare, hoping they don't find out that Maxon and I plan to try to have a child soon.

"Fine, I'll at least tell you that Maxon and I have agreed to not try to have a child until we are both ready for this," I say.

"Well, have you decided that yet?" Elise asks. I look over at Kriss and I get an idea. Kriss recently got married to a nice guy a while back. Why not pester her?

"Well, why aren't we bugging Kriss about her having a child?" I ask with my eyebrows raised. Kriss looks unshaken by my question.

"Because, Alex and I have only been married for a few months," she simply states.

"America, please stop trying to avert the subject," Elise says. I look at Kenna again for help. She still has a large grin on her face. She clearly wants to know more about Maxon and I as well.

"Yes, America. Please share the juicy details of your relationship," Kenna says. She challenges me with her eyes to react dramatically.

"Fine. Maxon and I have decided when we think we are going to try," I confess. They all raise their eyebrows asking for more without actually saying anything.

"Okay, America. If you know anything, you know not to stop there!" Kriss exclaims, excitement coating her face.

"I don't think I can tell," I say, studying my tea cup.

"Come on, America! You can tell us anything!" Elise and Kriss say simultaneously. I just shake my head, signaling that I can't reveal anything.

"I won't tell mom or May, Ames," Kenna says. I sigh and admit to myself that I have to tell them. I stand up and check that there are no reporters or guards standing near the doors or windows. I sit back down and admit something I don't want to admit.

"Fine. Maxon and I have decide that we're ready," I say. They all squeal. I didn't see it coming from Kenna but she still has me enveloped in a hug with Elise and Kriss. We jump and squeal together in our little. We leave our small table and find our way over to a small red couch and squeeze all four of us onto it. We gossip about small things for several hours. I let the time slip away until a maid comes and reminds me that I have work that needs to be done. So, I get up and travel to my office. But, before I go, I do promise them that they will receive updates on my relationship with Maxon. Then, I scurry to my small library and commit myself to my paperwork

Disclaimer: I do not own The Selection. It belongs to the wonderful Kiera Cass.

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