Chapter Sixteen

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One of Maxon's associates pops a bottle of champagne and begins pouring glasses as Maxon signs his name on the paper, making it official that there are more castes. As of today, the people of our nation are equals.

The glasses are passed around and all the men begin drinking from them as soon as they get their glass. When I receive mine, I take a small sip. Maxon stands next to me. He gives me a quick hug before several of the men come up to shake his hand and congratulate him on his big success.

I finally walk out of the room, leaving my champagne class sitting on the table. After walking out of the room, a voice calls out behind me. I turn around to see one of Maxon's associates behind.

I nod to the man as he approaches me. "Queen America, I want you to be aware that it is very likely you will want to begin planning parties. As soon as the rest of the world finds out the palace will be full of visiting royals."

I nod. "Thank you. I will try to get on that immediately," I tell him. He nods his head to me and begins walking back to the office. Once he has disappeared, I release a sigh and return to my room.

Not my current room, though. Not one Maxon sleeps in with me or even the princess suite. My room from the selection.

It's been several months since I entered this room. Nothing has really changed over the years, though. I keep all my instruments sit where they did during the selection. The bed is perfectly made and all the dressers, tables, and the desk have been dusted. It looks so perfectly made just like it did for a five all that time ago.

As I sit down at the piano, I can't help but think about that. Once upon a time, I was five. Then, I was a one. And now? I'm simply the queen of a country. It makes me think how quickly the world can change. In a matter of seconds I went from a poor girl on the streets to one of the most powerful people in the country.

The thought is almost suffocating. I take a deep breath and close my eyes tight like it could shield me from all the pressures of the world.

My hands instinctively find their spot on the piano. Without picking out a song, my hands already know the notes to play. They drift back and forth across the keys, producing beautiful melodies that ring through the room. I close my eyes and lose myself in the music.

When the sweet sounds are over, my eyes flutter open and I look down at my lap. At the angle that I could once see my legs is now my stomach. Eight months have passed. Three with child, one with nothing, and four with my imaginary baby. I am almost certain if the country saw me now I would not be a queen for long.

I rise and walk over to the mirror. The reflection of a queen looks back at me. Her features have matured since her wedding but they are beautiful and youthful all the same. It is obvious she is a strong women.

I smile at the reflection, knowing that I have had the courage to go along with this burden this long. We've been able to keep it a secret. If the other countries are our allies, they can keep it a secret as well.

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