Chapter Two

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I prepare scrambled eggs, bacon, and biscuits. Then I bake strawberry pastries that my sister would hopefully find to die for. I also pour us both a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

Once I'm done, I serve the food and place them on trays. I also find a maid to help me carry the trays up to our room. When we arrive, I open up the windows and we set up our breakfast. I sit down to read a book at the table while I wait for Maxon to wake up.

About half an hour later, I hear Maxon begin to stir. Then he says, with a yawn in the mix, "Good Morning, America."

"Good Morning, king Maxon," I say.

When he looks up he seems surprised. But then his eyes meet mine and he has the cutest grin on his face. Maxon slowly gets out of bed and puts on his slippers.

"Now, what is this, darling?" Maxon asks.

"Well, it's breakfast, sir," I say.

As Maxon walks over to the table, he says, "First of all, you don't call me sir. You can call me your royal husbandness or King Maxon at special events but sir makes me feel like I'm your boss and not your husband. But anyways, I can see that it's breakfast, but where did it come from?"

"Well, Everyday a chicken la-"I begin, but I get interrupted quicker than I started.

"Not that. I mean, what is the occasion?" he asks. Then he sits down, but not without kissing my forehead.

"Can't a wife just make her husband breakfast in bed?" I ask.

"Oh, so you made this instead of our wonderful chef. So that means that there really is something going on. Either you are trying to poison me or something is seriously wrong," he states in a teasing manner. I offer him a kind smile instead of my usual laughter

"Maxon, I have been doing some thinking," I say. I expect a snarky comeback, but instead his expression becomes serious.

"America, I love you now and I'll love you forever. Please tell me what you have been thinking about," he says.

"Maxon, I think the castle is very lonely," I say. He takes a sip of orange juice and nods.

"I understand. It was a very uneventful childhood growing up here, but I don't really know how to fix that," he says.

"Maxon, I know. I just think we need more excitement," I say after taking a sip of my own juice.

"I really wish I knew how to make your days more exciting. I know the palace is awfully lonely. All of these empty rooms..." he replies.

"I know. . . I think we might could find a way to fix that and have more life in the palace," I say, hoping he gets the hint. He takes a bite of bacon and nods.

"America, you know you can invite your family or the other selected any time you want. The castle has plenty of room to house guests," he assures me.

"Maxon, that isn't what I mean."

"If you don't mind me asking, what do you mean?" he asks. For a few seconds I can see a worried expression but he does quickly wipe it off of his face. He reaches across the table and grabs my hand. "Remember, honey, You can tell me anything you want."

I glance up at Maxon so that I'm no longer looking at my hands that are folded in my lap. I take a deep breath, right before I say, "Maxon, I think we're ready to have a child."

At first Maxon looks shocked. For some reason I get the feeling that he doesn't feel the same way. He doesn't look at me for a few minutes.

"Maxon, I'm sorry. I don't-" I start.

"America, you're right," he says. Then he finally looks me in the eye for the first time since I told him that I thought we're ready.

I finally get a good look at his face and I can see his many conflicting emotions. His face shows glee. It shows excitement. It shows hope. His face shows a new found energy, and out of all of those emotions I can't find anything negative. His face doesn't show anger or resentment. Just pure positivity.

Before I know it, Maxon jumps out of his chair and is coming around the table towards me. He lifts me out of my chair and all of a sudden I'm in the air. Maxon has me in the air spinning me around as if I weigh nothing at all. I squeal and Maxon places me on the ground. He leans down and begins what feels like will be a long passionate kiss.

But, we are quickly interrupted. A guard who was outside the door comes in. "Is everything okay? I heard some squeals," he says, with a worried look on his face.

"Oh, um. Yes, sir. It was just us being silly. We assure you that everything is fine," Maxon says. I see the guard blush. I can only imagine, though, that the blush on my cheek is worse than his.

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry to disturb you," he says, then walks out the door.

Maxon pulls me in for kiss. There is hunger in this kiss. A hunger that we both feel. When we finally pull apart I begin to giggle like a school girl.

"America, this is truly amazing," he says.

"I know, I'm excited about getting to become a mother," I respond.

Maxon and I converse about becoming parents for a long time. Unfortunately, he remembers that he has other duties and must leave. He goes to get ready and I ring for a maid to come take the trays away. Soon after, Maxon comes back into our room, fully dressed for the work day.

"I love you, America," he says. He kisses my forehead.

"I love you, too, Maxon," I reply.

He goes out the door but not too long afterwards he is peeking around the door. "Don't forget about Kriss, Elise, and your sister coming, today," he reminds me. Then, he disappears again.

"How could I forget?" I say to myself.

These are pretty much the original chapter two and chapter three combined so yay!

Disclaimer: Kiera Cass owns the Selection, not me.

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