Chapter Five

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Warning: This chapter might get a little heated but since I don't have experience in this department it will not go into detail.

I step out of my tub, my maids on either side me, to help me into my robe. Sometimes I still feel odd about so many people seeing me without any clothes on or requiring people to have to dress me. I guess old habits die hard.

They sit my down at my vanity and run a brush through my long hair, being sure to get all the knots out before blow drying it. When it's done it has a silky texture that I love. Once they are satisfied with the condition and believe it is good enough for me to sleep with, they weave it into an elegant braid.

Then, I am put in a silky nightgown and led out of the bathroom. As my maids begin to fold down my covers, I dismiss them. They finish their task then walk out with a curtsy. I climb into my side of the bed and pick up a book from the bedside.

When the door swings open, Maxon walks in with a grin. "Good evening, America," he says. I smile at him as he walks over to give me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Good evening, Maxon," I reply to him. He steps away from the bed, gets a few articles of clothing from his wardrobe, and walks into the bathroom. My eyes drift back down to my book but I struggle to concentrate on the words in front of me, only thoughts of Maxon and our future child in my head.

When he finally comes out, he has on a gray tee shirt and navy blue pajama pants. He slides into bed next to me and wraps an arm around me. I look over at him, noting every sparkle in his eye and the way his lips curl into a smile when he looks at me.

"Are you sure you think we're ready?" he asks. I nod my head, slightly concerned that he asking that question. It's both of our decision and we did agree that it was a good idea just this morning.

"Of course, Maxon. Otherwise I wouldn't have suggested it this morning," I tell him. He lets out a small sigh.

"But a baby is a responsibility different from any the two of us know. . . Especially the heir to the throne, America. This is a responsibility as large as that of running the country," Maxon explains. I sit up a little and cross my arms.

"You sound exactly like Kenna! She could not stand the fact that we were going to try to have a child just yet," I explain. Maxon raises an eyebrow.

"You told Kenna?" he asks. I sigh and nod.

"Yes. We discussed today at the tea party so they would all stop asking questions about when it was going to happen," I tell him. He nods a little.

"Oh. . . But still, America, are we ready to be parents?" he asks again. Something about this sentence delays my response. I open my mouth to talk but nothing comes out. Is it my time to be a mother? Would it be best to wait?

Finally, I nod and say, "Yes, we are." Maxon nods

"Good," he says. We sit there in silence for a few seconds before I lean over to kiss him, unsure how to start. We both fall backwards onto the bed instead our previous position of sitting up on the bed. His lips move eagerly against mine, a new, undiscovered passion between them.

His lips begin moving away from mine and down towards my neck, stopping above my nightgown. They are warm against the skin on my shoulders and send chills down my back. They also come with an eagerness for more for both of us.

My nightgown is quickly pulled over my head and Maxon's shirt comes off minutes later. Both are thrown off into the floor and the rest of our clothes follow suit soon as well as we become a tangle of people.

Um... Yeah. So, this is the first chapter I have completely rewritten. It is pronanly a bit more realistic than the first chapter and yeah. I will try to update again either later today or tomorrow.

Disclaimer: The amazing Kiera Cass wrote The Selection, not me.

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