C11 Zandra.

13 2 2


"Well.... You have a point...." Dana said, considering what I said.

"Well don't consider it! Who do you like more? Me or her?" Diana practically scolded.

"Um.. Bot-" Dana tried to say but Diana cut her off.

"Nooo!!! You should've chose me! I'm your twin sister!" Diana said while her hands flew in the air like she's holding some kind of imaginary airplane.

I need to put a stop to this don't I?

I lifted my hand up to a stop sign (for girl scouts in the Philippines-which we were a part of) and then I said in a calm voice, "Diana you can have my mango ice cream and Dana you can have the chocolate." They stopped instantly and stared at me.

"If you promise not to fight in my penthouse while we are here," I added.

They nodded in sync and went to the refrigerator in a flash.

"Oh and get the strawberry for me," I shouted before plopping to the couch and turning on the television. Minutes later, Dana and Diana went out from the kitchen and plopped beside me. They handed nd my ice cream and we watched Adventure Time in Cartoon Network.

After an hour, the twins told me they'll go upstairs to unpack their things. I stayed in the couch and continued watching whatever it was in Cartoon Network when someone rang the doorbell.

"Hmm. Who could that be? I don't remember inviting anyone over," I mumbled.

I opened the door with a wide smile plastered on my face, well before I saw who it was at least.

What is he doing here...with a girl?

Present time

"Anyway, Zayn. Take her to the second guest room on the left. Yours is the one infront of hers." I instruct him. He walks up the stairs and i hear the door open and close.

"Zandra....i'm really meaning to ask you. Is that girl your brother's girlfriend?" Dana asks.

I look at her and blinks a few times. I laugh at her question and shake my head sideways. "No. But i know that he has a crush on her since our childhood. He's a tsundere if you ask me." I whisper to them.

They laugh alongside me until my brother comes downstairs and looks at us skeptically. Diana, being whl she is, walked towards him and gives him a pat --smack-- on the back making my brother move forward because of the impact.

"What was that for?" He asks.

Dana walks toward them and stares at him. I walk towards them and stare too. Zayn looks at us suspiciously.

Diana laughs and says --shouts--, "Don't worry, Zandra's little brother! We will help you overcome your tsundere-ness! We will help you get your girl!" She announces. Me and Dana laughs at my brother's reaction as his cheeks turn slightly pink.

He faces me and gives me a betrayed look that says 'you told them about my secret'. We kept talking and talking until the twins fall asleep on the couch. My brother took this as an opportunity to talk to me.

"Sis?" He starts.


"About what Reinier said,"

I look at him from the corner of my eye. He is staring at the ceiling with a pained expression.

"How can i find her true love in three days? She doesn't even date anyone." He says with a sigh.

"We'll find him and bring her back." I tell him encouragingly. I see the pain in my brother's eyes. It is painful to look for the true love of the person you love. Especially if you find out that it isn't you.

He bids goodnight and walks up the stairs. After a few minutes, i sigh and wake up the two and tell them to go to their rooms. They gave me lazy looks before dragging themselves up the stairs and into their rooms.

I clean up the mess on the center table and throw them kn the trash can in the kitchen. I notice a piece lf paper on top of the dining table. My brows furrows and takes it.

The true love....

I raise a brow and recognize that pen name. My eyes widen in realization. Reinier's.

I keep the letter in my pocket and grabs a couple of dog food. I call out to Yume, my Pomeranian. She comes running from her bed in the living room. I place the dog bowl on the bowl and pats her on the head before yawning and heading upstairs.

I walk to my room and gather my sleeping clothes from my closet. I grab my towel and procede to my bathroom. I take a quick shower and put on my clothes. I walk to my rolm and grab my blower and dry my hair.

I drag myself on the bed and crawl under my sheets.

I look up the ceiling. I take the note from my drawer, since i placed it there before i took a bath, and read it again. The true love what?

I lie awake, wondering what it meant. I doubt my brother is asleep in this situation so i make my way to his room. I knock, not too loud so i won't wake anyone else.

I hear shuffling from the inside before the door opens and reveqls my brother who looks like he's sufhering insomnia. I stare at him for a while before saying, "i found a note. I am certain it's from Reinier."

He looks at me shocked. He lets me in his room and tells me to sit.

I bring out the note and hand it to him. He reads it and looks at me. "From the looks of this, he's giving us clues." He tells me.

"I think so too. But what i'm wondering about is that why would he cast that spell if he'll do this?" I say, placing my hand on chin.

He turns the paper and it looks like it interests him....

I know this update is very very veeerryyy late so I sincerely apologize. Please don't kill me >_

The problem was school work. They've bombarded us with school work these past few days...weeks and I was only able to update now so please forgive me :(

I wuv you all!!! Oh and I changed my name to princessrose06.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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