''Is it just me or did I just fall for you?'' A confused Jimin held his heart. ''I'm pretty sure you just fell for me.'' Y/N assured. ''How would you know?!'' J.M spat.
''...because I fell for you too''
I woke up. 'Aish another damn dream. ' I sighed in despair and got off my bed. And ran downstairs to eat my breakfast since anyways, i'm way too lazy to brush my teeth two times
''MOM?!'' I squawked pretty loud, my neighbours could probably hear me. ''Aish.. MOO-- owh?'' I saw a man sitting on the couch, talking and giggling to my mom. 'Y'know what? Skip breakfast.' I sprinted up the stairs and tripped over, creating an alerting noise. 'Oh hell naw that actually just happened '
''Y/N-ah? are you already awake from your slumber?'' My mom called from downstairs. 'That's a lie mom, i ain't awake' I ran back up the stairs, ignoring my mom's callings and slammed the door to my room. I breathed heavily and slid down my door, heart still beating rapidly.
''She did not just found another man. She promised she wouldn't. UGH!'' I kicked my drawers and held my foot. ''Oww..'' I looked at the time and my eyes widened. ''OH GOD! IT'S 7:30 ALREADY!!'' I screamt and ran to my bathroom, trying to relieve the pain from my left foot. ''D'you what!?!? I ain't showering today!'' I got to the sink and filled it with water and as it fills up, I removed my glasses. I dunked my face in the water and ran to find my towel. ''FOUND YOU!''I glanced at the clock again. 7:39. 'Oof.. I gonna be late if I don't reach school in 21 minutes' I ran back to the bathroom and squirted some toothpaste in my mouth and started chewing. I spat the toothpaste out and sprinted to my closet. ''I DON'T CARE! I JUST.. *grabs clothes (Crop top, black leggings and a cardigan)* THERE! DONE! I ran downstairs and didn't kiss my mom goodbye.
''Ooh, look the nerd has just arrived with.. a new trend with clothes?''
''Wut? I'm perfectly fine.. i'm wearing a polo-shirt and knee shorts *realises what I'm wearing* I-I uh... Bye now! I'm gonna be late!'' I sprinted and ran inside, but I bumped into somebody.
''YAH! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU-- Oh your that girl from 2 days ago, heh. Nice to know that you finally wore something trendy.. *smirks*''
''Oh seriously.. another one of my fangirls.. An ugly one too *smirks*'' Jimin says in the most deepest voice. 'That hurts but the voice tho...' '' Whatever loser! I'm ditching you!'' the hallway then was filled with loud snickers and cracked laughs. I put my hoodie up and walked expeditiously towards the classroom.
''Ah! Ms. Y/N!.. such a bad day to meet you.. again!'' A blaring voice call out to me. I turned around and saw my teacher Mr. Hong.
''I'm sorry I didn't notice you Mr.Hong.. *bows deeply*'' I said in guilt, I am afraid of him. Mr.Hong is abusive towards students he didn't like. Especially me..
''HAH! Y/N EXPECTS MR.HONG TO ACCEPT HER APOLOGY?! KICK HER SIR!'' A student who I wasn't familiar with suggested loudly
''Gladly Jungkook!'' Mr.Hong said with a smirk. I ran to the top of the room and kneeled, praying this wasn't another dream and that principal would find out.
''Open your eyes Y/N, it's time to face reality!'' He said in a playish type of voice. I looked up hesitantly and the next second, Mr.Hong threw a punch at my face and kept on hurting me. The other students were cheering. The next moment, I was unconscious.
''TAKE HER TO THE AMBULANCE BEFORE SHE LOSES A LOT OF BLOOD!'' I couldn't open my eyes, I couldn't feel my body. All I could hear is sirens and screaming and felt drips. I slept, I couldn't do anything.
Okay Kawaiiyans! This is the second episode of 'My Cruel Husband' so if you want a quick update or the next episode please comment done below. As you all know I have exams and practices and other school duties so please understand! SARANGHAE MY KAWAIIYANS~!
(ALSO SHOUTOUTS TO: KimTaeshri. The first one to comment or read my fanfics. I really do appreciate it! Keep Smiling KimTaeshri!)
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