Please read until you reach the comment section. AND THANK YOU FOR THE READS! YOU ALL HAVE BEEN VERY KIND TO READ MY STORIES FULL OF CRINGE (lol)!
A nurse walks in your hospital room holding a glass of water, some tablets and a pair of head bandage. Come to think of it: Who will pay for my stay in the hospital?
''Ms.Lee, I will re-bandage your head now and you will take your pills after that. Oh! And don't worry about your payment after your discharge tonight because someone paid for it'' She warmly said. S-someone paid my hospital fees? I wonder who? I don't have any relatives or anyone I know who cares/cared for me. As if they did. While I got lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice that I just gulped down my pills and the nurse left my room.
''Ah~ who payed for my hospital fee?-'' a disembodied cut me off
''I did.'' He simply said. ''My name Hansol. Hansol Vernon Choi, your step-brother-'' I spat water on the ground and he dodged so his shoes wouldn't get we. SECOND TIME TODAY Y/N!
''S-step brother?!'' you questionably said to him. ''Please please tell me I don't need to call him oppa.'' You mumbled, praying.
''You don't need to. And I heard that,'' He smirked and grinned afterwards, ''I mean even if I'm older than you by 2 years.'' He shrugged it off. I couldn't believe that my mom didn't tell me she got married-
''When did my mom get married?!'' I said sharply. I looked at him, waiting for an answer but he didn't reply. ''Yah!''
''Huh? Oh your mom and my dad didn't hasn't married YET...'' I laughed. Not because of my mom marrying his dad, but by his name: Vernon- Harry Potter's uncle
''Why are you laughing?'' Vernon looked at me, confused. ''Yah! S-stop laughing...''
''I-I am so sorry...'' you giggled and stop laughing, ''Your name comes from Harry Potter.'' you said, wiping the tears of your eyes. ''Uncle Vernon was a very harsh and dramatic person, always abusing his nephew-''
''Harry Potter'' You both said in unison. He stared at you for a second and you stared back in disbelief. ''You read Harry Potter?!'' You both said in unison. ''No!'' ''Stop copying me!!!'' ''Ugh~!''
''So I was planning: Since you stayed in the hospital for 3 days, let's go to Busan and have some food?'' He asked me assured of himself, ''What do you think?'' Vernon nudged his head.
''Uh... Sure? I mean, I am sick of dull hospital food.'' I shrugged my shoulders but thought of something. ''Who's gonna feed me? My right arm is broken and I'm a right-handed person''
Vernon thought for a second and replied: ''I'm gonna feed you since I'm your oppa~'' He said it playfully, adding emphasis to the last damn word. He put his long, muscular arms on his head and created a heart. I sighed in disapproval. I thought this would go another way but my instincts bailed on me...
'' H-haha, yeah sure. You can go now.'' I gestured my hands on the door.
''So mean :he pouted: I thought we would get along as brother and sister but no. You're like an Aries woman. Bossing other people around. They always said: 'Aries women are the kindest and adventurous people you'd ever meet until you cross the line...' '' He placed his hands on his hips. wagging his index finger while pacing up and down across the room. My just followed his movements. (a.k.a: the author in the story is an Aries)
''You look like you're gay...'' I rolled my eyes at him and he scoffed. I smirked at him and mimicked his movements and voice.
''Yah! You know what? No more taking you out for dinner tonight!'' He joked but sugarcoated it really well. (Good actor ain't he?) I gasped at him thinking that this is just a hoax.
''YoU wOuLd'Nt Do ThAt To YoUr LiTtLe SiStEr!'' I fake cried at him and he ran to comfort me trying to calm me down. I laughed so hard. ''YOU FELL FOR IT~''
''I. Hate. You'' He said. Welp, matters like these just escalated really quick.
''I love you too'' He stared at me in awe. I realized what I just said but didn't care. We ARE step-brothers and sisters after all.
''YoU lOaVe MeH~! YoU gEt DiNnEr AfTeR aLl~!'' He danced around and opened the door to leave my hospital room. ''9:00 PM. I'll pick you up'' You raised his brows seriouslyand pointed his finger at me. ''Don't be late. Bye~''
''What have I gotten myself into...'' I sighed
(Oof! Y'all Kawaiiyans have been so kind and supported me. Therefore, in the next chapter, I'll use your usernames as my characters.)
Saranghae~ UWU
-Author-nim: Kawaii_BTS123

My Cruel Husband | Jimin FF
Fanfiction''Is it just me or did I just fall for you?'' A confused Jimin held his heart. ''I'm pretty sure you just fell for me.'' Y/N assured. ''How would you know?!'' J.M spat. ''...because I fell for you too''