Last chapter :')

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(So, I decided to end this book because I have other BTS fanfictions in mind. So, what BTS member should I write about next? Jungkook or Taehyung?)
[Disclaimer: Long chapter and swearing]

So, it had been a few months since I had moved in with Yoongi and it was... pleasant? We've had our ups and downs. Yoongi's got a boyfriend because it turned out he realized girls didn't seem appealing to him much more than before therefore he's bisexual. I guess I moved on... I guess.

''Yoongi-ah!'' I yelled, quite bored. 

''Ah jinja-'' he quickly shook his head before turning towards me, ''The fridge do you want, brat? Can't you see I'm busy here?''

''Watching hentai? Dude, you call that busy?'' I pulled a face. He scowled at me before returning back to whatever he was doing on his computer. I smiled, inaudibly cracking up before getting off the couch. My head felt woozy from all the lying upside down and switching positions every now and then. I huffed and dragged myself off the couch and up the stairs. When I opened the room, rays of sunlight hit my face, I smiled. I decided I needed a good nap to distract me from everything and everyone. I fell on my bed and stared at the blue ceiling. 

''I'm gonna miss the sky.'' I sighed and began fluffing the pillows, getting ready for a nap. I shut my eyes tight and made my mind blank. My mind drifted to somewhere I didn't expect...


''Y/N? Why did you leave me? Why have you lost contact with me? I cried for months. I couldn't move on... Especially in times like this. I turned down everything people gave me because I forced myself to believe you will come back so I didn't let the people empathize with me, but you never visited me anymore... ''

Jungkook? Why are you bawling? I'm here!

''The months before you died, you didn't even message me once. Not once.'' He threw a rock at something, shattering a portion, before returning back to sniffling, ''You promised you wouldn't leave me... You promised.''  He choked.

W-what? Pardon? I'm here! I'm alive. 

''...Mianhae, Y/N-ssi. Mianhae, my wife...'' Jimin threw a bouquet at my grave before looking away, a tear falling from his eye. He looked down and cried even harder, scrunching his nose in the process. He didn't want Jungkook to hear him cry so he kept his tears silently to himself. 


''In loving memory of Lee Y/N: a daughter, a rebel, a depressed woman and an achiever of everyone's lives. She was my friend. My only friend, yet she left me... for the skies. I knew how much she adored the sky and the sun. She absolutely-'' She hiccuped from crying so much, ''-sorry... she absolutely adored the stars, too. She would look up and gaze at a shooting star moving across the sky. I saw potential in her. A potential that could turn the cold people's hearts and be the change the world needs. It's s-such a-a shame she left the world for-'' She couldn't handle it. She went to a tree and hung her head, crying, leaving the grave behind.

I...died? But that's impossible! I'm alive! I'm here! I'm-

''You're dead.'' A voice whispered. I turned around. An angel. He flapped his immense wings. His face radiated with golden light. His electric blue eyes looked at me. How intimidating. His dark blonde hair fell to his shoulders. He was tall. 

. . . Tell me he's joking. 

''No, I'm not.'' He spoke, reading my thoughts. He stretched a hand out, waiting for me to take which I, of course, took it reluctantly. He tossed me up, beyond the skies. I forced myself to wake up otherwise I would die in my sleep. I shut my eyes tight...

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