Guys, sorry for not updating in almost 15 days ^-^. It's seriously been a hectic week filled with a lot of events :(.
''WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!'' Someone bellowed at one of the corners of my room. I flinched, nearly jumping out of my skin. His eye twitched, waiting for an explanation. I chuckled guiltily while hiding my container brimming with pills.
''I... hgj...'' I tried to explain but my tongue got tied up. My hand just twisted into funny gestures as they were shaking.
''Well?!'' He folded his arms as he tapped his fingers on one of them, piercing his gaze on me as if it was glowing scarlet. I sighed as drooped on one of the closest chairs in the room.
''My... illness is getting worse and I assume I have slight chance of survival and unfortunately they need something more trifling to somewhat make these harmful cells gradually disappear.'' I grunted as I compressed my temples.
''But they can fix it... right?'' His voice cracked as he stared at me, a hint of hope flickering in his ink black eyes. I hesitated to respond, searching for something to falsely answer.
''I... I don't know,'' I smiled and looked at him, ''I just hope I can remain optimistic about it. Well you should get going, I don't want Park to realize you're here..'' He gave me a hardened look and frowned.
''Fine.'' He muttered then threw a lengthy rope in my window, ''Be the guest of death, Y/N.'' He harrumphed and slid down the rope. I grunted and slithered further below my chair. Just suddenly, I heard a broken window shatter fulminating and echoing the hallways even until here and a gunshot booming. My reflexes acted upon me, shoving me off my chair. I seized my glock pistol and ushered down stairs.
Cautiously, I slithered through the walls and tiptoed down the staircase only to find an army of men (about 5), one groping Jimin by his arm.
''Okay then, let's riot folks.'' I sighed and flipped my gun in the air, landing perfectly in hand, ''Let's just get this over with.'' I cracked my knuckles. They stared at each other and one barreled at me. I dodged him, kicked him in the back and slammed his head in the wall, only to find him unconscious. They all stared at me in awe and they all came barreling towards me.
''I'll let my instincts take over then.'' I shrugged and blocked the kick that came flying to my face, twisted it, kicked his groin and slammed his head on the wall with such impact that he fell to the floor unconscious. Somebody grabbed my wrists and twisted it which resulted in me groaning. I positioned my hands in such way that I groped on his wrists and threw him on the floor, still holding him by his hands. When he slammed on the floor, the tile cracked and blood trickled from his head. I heard a gunshot and narrowed at the man who pulled the trigger until I felt pain in my forearm.
''Ngh!'' I stared at my arm drizzling with blood and glowered furiously at him. Someone came flying at me with his leg so I dropped and slid across the floor and shot the man at his knees so he wouldn't get up. I rolled at swiped my leg at the man that almost kicked me and held him by his throat, suffocating him until he passed out. I heaved an immense amount of the air while looking at the pile of unconscious men.
''D-Did you knew how to fight like this for a long time?'' Jimin questioned me, still shaken up from the fact that I knew how to fight.
''YouTube and,'' I caught my breath, ''Gym didn't exist for nothing...'' I walked to the infirmary in the house slowly, putting slight pressure on my arm.
''Here. Let me treat you.''
''You don't need to Park. Just leave it to me and prepare dinner.'' I uttered and found some supplies and syringe containing anesthesia.
''Are... Are you sure?'' He stammered.
''Did I fucking stutter, Park?'' I bellowed and stared at him and his small minded head like a fierce anime character. He expeditiously walked away, his footsteps echoing the halls. I sigh and held my breath when I pierced the syringe on my arm. I cleaned my wound and disinfected it. Carefully, I took a pair of forceps and gradually took out the bullet in a matter of minutes. I groaned and took a type of bandage patch and a gauze to cover it up. I winced as I got up and limped to the kitchen. I smelt a sweet aroma and sat down.
''Um, dinner then.'' He placed homemade macaroni and cheese on the table. I scooped a handful of it and placed it on his plate and mine. I slowly ate so I wouldn't feel pain in my left forearm since the anesthesia wore off. ''Hey Y/N, who taught you how to fight?''
''Come on, I know you sugar-coated that. Be honest.'' I scowled and grunted.
''My biological father.''
End of Chapter 26
''It's not the size of the man in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the man''
Sorry I couldn't update. Something has been happening with my wattpad that prevented me from using it and it's been a hectic 2 weeks. I apologize Kawaiiyans. I'll try and update the next chapter in a matter of 2 days or at least by this week. Bai Bai~

My Cruel Husband | Jimin FF
Fanfiction''Is it just me or did I just fall for you?'' A confused Jimin held his heart. ''I'm pretty sure you just fell for me.'' Y/N assured. ''How would you know?!'' J.M spat. ''...because I fell for you too''