( So, uh, I've been reviewing my book for the past few days and I realized that there were heaps and heaps, probably millions, of things to improve. It's been, what, a year since I've written and mind you that this is my first book. Ever. So, I don't really mind that there would be comments that would talk about the nonsense things I've written and trust me when I say this but I appreciate and welcome the suggestions. It's better to say the truth than to give me false hope :). So, yeah, unto the book AND I'M SORRY THAT IT'S EXTREMELY DISCOMFORTING TO READ AND IT JUST GIVES YOU CHILLS BECAUSE OF HOW CRINGEY IT IS)
'Y/N, you shouldn't have done that.' The white aura flickered in my head which revealed a petite angel floating and shifted to a sitting position. The red aura followed afterwards and exposed a, also petite, devil but with calf horns instead of a golden halo plastered with a playful sneer in the face, crossed red arms and feet apart.
''I-... I didn't know you would go this far.'' Seungkwan murmered, softly shaking his head. I gave no response, instead I walked in my room. When I latched the door, I gradually slid down my bedroom door. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration and ruffled it roughly. I was embarrassed by rage and guilty because of affliction.
''Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! Living with Jimin for 2 years has twisted you into the devil's daughter!'' I cursed. I look at my quivering hands, ''Have I become the cruel one instead of my husband?''
''Hate to agree, but yeah. Yeah you have.'' A voice whispered in my head. I shook my head trying to keep my sanity. I dusted my self off and reached for my medicine and a glass of warm water, ''You don't have to take your meds daily. You could just... die? I mean everyone dies in the end, so there really is no point.''
''Die, eh?'' I talked to myself. I gulped my medicine down and sat on a chair, ''Do you think it would make me feel better?" I anticipated for an answer while glancing at my vanity, analyzing my features, a bit bored.
''You wouldn't feel anything. It's your choice.'' I could even feel the voice shrug. There was a loud barge in my room and something must've tipped over. I turned my head, keeping a straight face.
''You insane piece of shit!'' My stepdad cursed at me while pointing his finger threateningly. He looked pale and flushed in a bad way.
''Is it finished? Already?'' I said while cracking my knuckles. I eyed my mom and she backed away.
''I don't know why I married you!'' Jimin yelled, his eyes blinded with rage. There was pin drop silence for a while before I chuckled.
''Married me? You son of a bitch. It was forced'', I stood up from my chair, glaring at him, ''I've had enough of you abusing me-'' Jimin slapped me with so much force it probably left a mark. I wiped a tear from my cheek and opened my drawers. I showed him several stapled papers.
''Divorce...papers?'' My mom read. I reached for a pen and signed my signature another my name.
''Sign it, Park.'' I muttered. He hesitantly reached for the pen and gradually signed his signature under his name. He clicked his tongue and threw the pen.
''F-Fine! I don't need you anyways!'' He bellowed at me, hiding his fear. I took my pre-packed luggages and left the room. I looked at the Vernon for the last time before calling a taxi.
''Hey, I need a cab pronto. Yes. My address? It's...'' I gave the voice my address and stood outside the house. Mind you, I'm not moving countries since I'm saving up for my future even if I'm wealthy. The taxi arrived and halted with a screech. I dropped my luggages at the trunk and sat, sighing.
''Where to, miss?'' He asked as he left the driveway. I paused for a moment before showing him my phone.
''Do you know this place called, uh, Saguine Towers?'' I asked him politely. He nodded and started driving towards the place. I peered out the window while I listened to the voices talking to me.
''You cruel nincompoop. It wasn't necessary to do that.'' Even the angel swore at me at least finding synonyms for bad words. I exhaled as I ran my fingers through my hair, reflecting on my past actions.
''Yeah, it wasn't necessary of me to do that, but I needed them to taste a moment of my pains'', I mumbled inaudibly, ''I'm going insane. I'm talking to myself.''
''Sometimes, it's better to talk about your problems to yourself instead of other people so you wouldn't cause a scene.'' The angel shrugged before closing her eyes.
''For once, I actually agree with her.'' The devil shook her head before sitting down.
''Miss, we're here.'' The taxi driver reminded me. I opened the door and stretched outside before retrieving my luggages. I paid the driver before checking the tall building out. I shook my head and sauntered in. I pressed the elevator button and pushed floor 10 button. I walked out and reluctantly rang the doorbell. He answered.
''Hey, Yoongi.'' I murmured in silence.

My Cruel Husband | Jimin FF
Fanfiction''Is it just me or did I just fall for you?'' A confused Jimin held his heart. ''I'm pretty sure you just fell for me.'' Y/N assured. ''How would you know?!'' J.M spat. ''...because I fell for you too''