''Is it just me or did I just fall for you?'' A confused Jimin held his heart. ''I'm pretty sure you just fell for me.'' Y/N assured. ''How would you know?!'' J.M spat.
''...because I fell for you too''
''Vernon-ah?'' I peeked from afar, looking at an outraged step-brother. He didn't hesitate to step in the house and slam the door behind him, in our culture; it's pretty disrespectful, ''What are you doing here in the middle of the night?''
''What are you doing awake?"' He replied with such a tone that I gulped my nervousness down my throat and swallowed my fear. Vernon took his phone out of his pocket and scrolled impatiently to God knows where.
''Hey-'' Jimin got interrupted by him eyeing him madly.
''YOU WILL NOT HURT MY SISTER FURTHERMORE!'' Raged an angry Vernon, pointing his fingers threateningly. Jimin growled as he stared at him with a glare so poisonous.
''WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!'' Jimin replied with anger. Meanwhile, I was eating cucumbers while dipping them in vinegar just watching them argue back and forth like a tennis match. Ugh, the fated battle men...
''Y/N IS COMING WITH ME FOREVERMORE!'' Vernon yelled back. Great.. I'm out of cucumber :(. I grabbed an apple from the counter and bit on it while staring at the floor contemplating. I lifted my head up as an idea popped in my head. I glanced at them arguing and then at the back door. Maybe if I could just slip through... I grabbed the car keys swiftly yet soundlessly. I opened the back door and jogged expeditiously towards the car and unlatched the car door, plopping myself on the driver seat.
''Phew! It's a good thing Vernon lives 19 miles from here. Gives me something to not panic about.'' I muttered as I started the car engine. I drove all the way there, not dropping way below 80 mph. As I stopped the car with a screech, Vernon's front door unbolted revealing Boo Seungkwan, ''You got the time?!''
''You sure he consented this?'' Seungkwan fastened his seat belt and glanced at rear mirror. I gave a hoax smile.
''Of course!'' I lied, gritting through my teeth. As I started the engine, I didn't drop below 90 mph... Yes, I was in a hurry. I exhaled through my nose as I drove through the streets of South Korea. Move left, Veer right I told myself as Seungkwan tried not to look at mph meter.
''We're here!'' I assured in a loud voice as I impatiently jumped out of the car and snatched heavy suitcases from the trunk. Seungkwan gracefully unfastened his seat belt and carried a few suitcases. I rushed in front of him from the weight in my arms and unlatched the front door only to find..
''OI! YOU'RE STILL NOT DONE ARGUING YET?!'' I took my shoes off and used both of them to hit the front of their faces which led to a groaning stepbrother and husband, ''I'M NOT PLAYING THESE GAMES!''
''... What was the need of that, Y/N-ah?'' Seungkwan queried me. I grinned at him and thrashed the luggage on the floor.
''Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to change into my pajamas. Don't sleep yet! I have things planned.'' I said. Vernon stiffened and Jimin shook his head.
''This is gonna be a sleepless night...'' Jimin groaned..at least that was what I heard before closing my bedroom door. I searched for some comfortable pajamas and wore whatever I found. For some reason, I felt a boost of energy that had been injected into my blood... something groovy and sportive. I stretched my arms and dashed downstairs.
''So, what do you have in mind?'' Vernon sighed.
''Something that would kill us, I presume?'' Jimin corresponded. I clicked my tongue and smiled evilly.
''Something way worse than death.'' I muttered. That seemed to grab the attention of an innocent Seungkwan, ''Family. Baking.''
''Family baking? Way worse than death? Please Y/N, get your brain to a right state before I send you to an asylum.'' Smack, ''Ow, what the hell was that for?!''
''Fuck off- No wait, stay.'' I grabbed his arm before he could storm off, ''Just.. find this ingredients, you three.'' They stared at the paper.
''A freaking 3 tier wedding cake?!'' Vernon yelped.
''... Team work makes the dream work?'' I laughed with guilt.
''This is an absolute nightmare.'' Jimin shivered. I shook my head in disbelief and ordered them to get moving.
We've, ah, had our ups and downs making this cake. For example:
''Yah! That's not how you make frosting you idiot!'' Jimin yelled at Vernon, accidentally frosting his favorite shirt, ''...''
''You-'' my step bro attacked him with a cream-coated spatula in his hair.
''Ack! mY hAIr!'' He panicked and tried to wipe it off, causing even more damage.
''Guys, loosen up! Come on! Get along!" I tried to break it up.
Or another example that really isn't for pure children...:
''Hey bae, you got, um, frosting on your nose.'' Vernon pointed to his boyfriend's nose.
''Oh, I do?" Seungkwan replied. To my surprise, instead of wiping it off, Vernon licked it off which triggered Seungkwan and kissed him passionately. Vernon automatically answered and dominated him. Jimin and I stared at them in terror.
''Oi! FAMILY-FRIENDLY HERE!'' Jimin kicked them off.
But, we surprisingly finished the cake. And it looked appetizing too!
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''Yay! After 3 hours of excruciatingly painful moments, we got the cake done!" I said merrily, ''Who wants to have a bite?"
''Nah! I'm out! G'night Y/N'' All three of them said in exhaustion and made their way to their designated rooms. I frowned and took a picture of the cake, posting it on my instagram later on taking a munch trip.