My Cruel Husband | Jimin FF | Chapter 8 | Kawaii_BTS123

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''So... He rejected you?'' Hansol calmly said. He folded his arms and furrowed his eyebrows. He knew that this was coming, didn't he?

''Y-yes'' I sorrowfully said. ''N-now if you will excuse me... I have to make a phone call'' I sprinted upstairs to my bedroom.  I sighed and opened the door to room. Once I shut it, I took my phone and dialed my best friend's number. 


?: Yeoboseyo? who is calling me?

Y/N: H-hey Taeshri... Long time no... speak.

Kim Taeshri: Oh My-! Y/N! Is that you?! How have you been? I mean, after we separated high schools 6 months ago, we haven't been contacting each other anymore!

Y/N: Y-yeah... Listen this about Jimin-

Kim Taeshri: You got turned down when you confessed, yeah, I heard. I got the message from EliseJamillaDeLeon. She was walking past the street with her sister when she heard you.

Y/N: You got that right. Anyways I was gonna ask if you are free on Saturday.

Kim Taeshri: Yeah. Why? Got some plans going on? Seeking some revenge?

Y/N: No! I was gonna ask if you could come to an amusement park with us.

Kim Taeshri: What do you mean 'us'?

Y/N: Yoongi, Jin, Jungkook, me, you and if by any chance, EliseJamillaDeLeon, WongYukkheiisthicc and my cousin: Ryosenpai8110.

Kim Taeshri: Oh! K! I'm coming and I'm gonna call EliseJamillaDeLeon and WongYukkheiisthicc and damn! that's a lot of peeps.

Y/N: I know but it's to make me feel better about myself. Anyways, I'll see you on Saturday?

Kim Taeshri: Yeah! Annyeong!

Y/N: Annyeong!


''I have to start studying. My end of year exams are in 3 weeks.'' You plopped on your bed and stared at the ceiling for a little while until you heard a knock on your door. 

''Y/N. My darling'' my step-dad came in, whizzing around the room. I guess he's drunk...

''Uh...  Mr.Choi? You're drunk. You should rest in your room.'' I said and stared at him as if I was piercing him through his chest.

''Now now Minseo~ Don't be rude. Come to your senpai~'' He hiccuped in between his drunken talk. He limped towards. Minseo... must be his ex-wife.

''M-Mr.Choi! You're just drunk. You must rest in your room!'' I stammered. God Y/N! Why did you just stammer? I stepped of my bed and looked at Mr.Choi and the ceiling. The ceiling is a few meters away and Mr.Choi is approaching me, in a fast pace. I must get Hansol but without screaming so I wouldn't get the attention of my mom. I inhaled and exhaled and jiggled my arms. I looked forward and closed my eyes & without thinking, I front flipped, missing Mr.Choi head a few centimeters away. I opened my eyes and saw myself infront of my bedroom door, woah! I must've flipped far... I went out of my bedroom door to find Hansol. ''HANSOL! There you are! You're uhm... father... He's drunk as hell.''

''Oh! But, how did you escape?!'' He seems surprised that I escaped. Has no one escape but me?

''I just work my magic.'' I grinned at him, ''Oh- nevermind'' I suddenly thought about this Minseo but I just disregarded it.  Oof~ I need to study for my exams. Wonderful. I took my school bag but I discovered a note in it. I opened it and it said this:

Dear Y/N,

I hope you are prepared for the future.                                                                                                                  

Because you are going to get hurt really bad                                                                                                      

By 'him'                                                                                                                                                                                    

Yes Y/N, I can predict what would happen next.                                                                                              

Promise me something: You will withstand the pain until I come and rescue you.                        

Hold On Pain Ends 




Okay Kawaiiyans, This chapter may be short but! The next chapter will be long and I know it! 

Saranghae!~ Have a really wonderful day!

- Kawaii_BTS123

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