My Cruel Husband | Jimin FF | Episode 3 | Kawaii_BTS123

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I opened my eyes gently and felt a stinging pain in my head and hissed. 'Where am I?.' I tried to regain back full consciousness and tried to recall yesterday's events but unfortunately could not.

''Patient name: Lee Y/N. Age: 20 years of life. Blood Type: B-Negative, pretty rare (1.5%). Reason of unconsciousness: Child Abuse or.. Young Adult abuse?''

''Thank you, Nurse Yi. Please now let us excuse the patient's privacy and her close guests for this morning. Oh and please, prepare her medications.

''Of course doctor. ''

I squinted and tried to analyse where I am right at the moment. My surroundings were quite blurred. 'ugh.. so numb..' I then realized I was in a hospital room. 'great.. what trouble did you land into again girl..'

''Ah.. the girl has awoken from her slumber.'' a disembodied voice sang to me. I turned to that voice and my eyes widened. I gave a soft smile. This man I am smiling at is Professor Remus Lupin. The chemistry teacher at my high school. Amazing how he managed to find my room and the hospital without asking anyone, wonder how he works his magic.

''Y/N, how are you feeling? Nauseous? Headache? Refreshed? Perhaps at least one of those given options is what your feeling right now. After that professor taught you a lesson'' He silently gave a smug look on those last words. Don't tell me he is on that Mr.Hong's side

''Professor? Are you serious? (Sirius Black)'' I asked him questionably with a slight sarcastic tone.

''No dear. I'm Joking White'' Lupin said childishly. I face palmed my forehead. ''And please, school is over and it's the weekends. Call me Remus instead

''Okay.. Remus'' I was slight uncomfortable, especially since I had to call him by his first name and that i'm used to calling him 'professor'

''How did I land in here, pro--- Remus?'' I said, changing the sentence midway. Giving a false yet innocent smile.

''Well you see, Mr.Hong hates students he finds... well, debilitated. Especially when it comes to his subject. When I passing through a corridor, I couldn't help but eavesdrop on your classroom. I saw Mr.Hong acting.. let's put it in this term, cold. One student screamed something I couldn't well remember and I was curious why he called out so loud. Then I saw Mr.Hong take a stick out and you ran up the classroom and knelt on a top corner. I squirmed through the door, trying not to get caught when suddenly I saw Mr.Hong violently behaving toward you. Hurting you physically. I rushed in the classroom and pushed Mr.Hong away. I noticed you were badly cut and bruised so I called the ambulance. More events happened but I wouldn't want to go discuss them right at the moment. Bottom line now is that your safe.'' Remus Lupin warmly smiled at me.

''Thank you, prof-- REMUS!!'' I kept my hand in behind my head but failed to do so.

''Careful! It's fractured.'' He said precautiously. I smiled again, revealing my dimples when I heard I knock on the door. I was shocked


That ends Episode 3 dear Kawaiiyans. Please pray for me since my exams are soon-to-be over.. XD. Sorry I took so long to update, I had to study and study. This feels like i'm undergoing O.W.L.S :P. 



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My Cruel Husband | Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now